编辑: 梦里红妆 2019-09-01

Lun Qin zhidao yu Qin changcheng de guanxi'

论秦直道与秦长城的关系 (The relationship between the Qin Zhidao and the Qin Great Walls), Qingyang Shizhuan xuebao 庆阳师专 学报 (Journal of the Qingyang Special Teachers'

College), 1994:1. Li Zichun 李子春, '

Ming dai banjunzhi yu '

Tianjin qiuban zhongbu zao'

yinwen changcheng zhuan chutan'

明代班军制与 天 津秋班中部造 印文长城砖初探 (The Ming rotating armies system and a preliminary study of the Ming brick bearing the seal inscribed '

Tianjin qiuban zhongbu zao'

), Wenwu chunqiu 文物 春秋 (Cultural relics chronicles), 1998:2, pp 68-69. Liao Jinxiong 谬晋雄, '

Lun Shixing fenghuotai'

论始兴烽火台 (A discussion of the fire beacon towers in Shixing county), Guangdongsheng bowuguan jikan 广东省博物馆集刊 (Guangdong Provincial Museum yearbook), 1999, pp 32-38. Lin Jianming 林剑鸣, Qin-Han shi 秦汉史 (History of the Qin-Han period), Shanghai: Shanghai Renmin Chubanshe 上海人民出版社, 2003. Lin Meicun 林梅村 and Li Junming 李均明, '

Shulehe liuyu Handai biansai yizhi gaishu'

疏勒河流域汉代边塞遗址概述 (A general description of the site of the Han dynasty border walls in the Shule river valley) in Lin Meicun and Li Junming (eds.), Shulehe liuyu chutu Han jian 疏勒河流域出土汉简 (Han dynasty slips unearthed in the Shule river valley), Beijing: Cultural Relics Publishing House 文物出版社, 1984. Lin Wei 李薇, '

Jianyi Qi changcheng'

建议齐长城 (Searching for the Qi Great Walls), Huaxia renwen dili 华夏人文地理 (Cultural geography), 2005:4, pp 126-139. Lin Yutang 蔺玉堂, '

Shanhaiguan beiduan changcheng kaogu fajue you xin faxian'

山海关北段长城考古发掘有新发现 (New discoveries during archaeological excavations of the northern section of the Great Walls at Shanhaiguan), Guangming ribao 光明日报 (Guangming daily),

24 June 1997. Liu Huacheng 刘化成, '

Cong Li Song muzhiming kan Mingdai Liaoxi Hongluoshan diduan bianqiang de xiuzhu'

从李松墓志铭看明代辽西 虹螺山地段边墙的修筑 (A study of the construction of the Ming side walls at Hongluoshan in western Liaoning as seen from Li Song'

s epitaph), Liaohai wenwu xuekan 辽海文物学刊 (Journal of Liaohai cultural relics), 1996:2, pp 61-63. Liu Huacheng 刘化成 and Zhang Zhaoxiang 张兆祥, '

Langfangshi Zhanguo Yan nan changcheng diaocha baogao'

廊坊市战国燕南长城 调查报告 (An investigative report on the southern Great Walls of the Yan state inside Langfang during the Warring States period), Wenwu chunqiu 文物春秋 (Cultural relics chronicles), 2001:2, pp 28-36. Liu Jianhua 刘建华, '

Zhangjiakou diqu Mingdai changcheng diaocha zongshu yu fenxi'

张家口地区明代长城调查综述与分析 (A description and anlaysis of the survey of the Ming Great Walls in the Zhangjiakou district), Wenwu chunqiu 文物春秋 (Cultural relics chronicles), 1990:1, pp 21-29. Liu Jianhua 刘建华, '

Hebeisheng Jindai changcheng'

河北省金代 长城 (The Jin dynasty Great Walls in Hebei province), Beifang wenwu 北方文物 (Northern cultural relics), 1990:4, pp 42-46. Liu Qian 刘谦, '

Liaodong changcheng kao'

辽东长城考 (Textual research on the Great Walls in Liaodong), in Dandong shizhi 丹东史志 (Annals of Dandong), 1985:2. Liu Qian 刘谦, Ming Liaodong zhen changcheng ji fangyu kao 明 辽东镇长城及防御考 (Study of the Ming dynasty changcheng and defences in Liaodong-zhen), Beijing: Wenwu Chubanshe 文物出 版社, 1989. Liu Qingzhu 刘庆柱, '
