编辑: 阿拉蕾 2012-12-25

1 http://www.ceec.edu.tw/Research/paper_doc/ce37/ce37.htm 学科能力测验考试说明 英文考科

3 参、试题举例 现阶段学测英文考科主要以评量阅读与写作之英语文能力,整卷分为选择题与非选择 题两部分,可能出现之题型如下: 第壹部分、选择题

一、词汇题 测验目标 : 测验考生对高中常用实词词汇 (content words) 的构词 、 语意 、 搭配词 (collocation) 的了解与运用能力. 作答说明:本题型每题提供四个选项,请依文意选出最适当的一个选项. 试题举例: Mei-ling has a very close relationship with her parents. She always ______ them before she makes important decisions. (A) impresses (B) advises (C) consults (D) motivates (103 学年度学测) 参考答案:C 说明:本题测验考生能否掌握词汇 consults 的语意与用法.作答主要线索为空格后…before she makes important decisions;

题干第一句…a very close relationship with her parents 也提供解题之线索.

二、综合测验 测验目标:测验考生参酌上下文意发展,掌握各类词汇(含实词、虚词、惯用语及转折词 等)及句法应用的能力. 作答说明:本题型的题干为段落式短文,选文中含数个空格,每题一个空格,请依文意选 出最适当的一个选项. 英文考科 学科能力测验考试说明

4 试题举例: 第16 至20 题为题组 Kizhi is an island on Lake Onega in Karelia, Russia, with a beautiful collection of wooden churches and houses. It is one of the most popular tourist

16 in Russia and a United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site. The island is about

7 km long and 0.5 km wide. It is surrounded by about 5,000 other islands, some of

17 are just rocks sticking out of the ground. The entire island of Kizhi is,

18 , an outdoor museum of wooden architecture created in 1966. It contains many historically significant and beautiful wooden structures,

19 windmills, boathouses, chapels, fish houses, and homes. The jewel of the architecture is the 22- domed Transfiguration Church, built in the early 1700s. It is about

37 m tall,

20 it one of the tallest log structures in the world. The church was built with pine trees brought from the mainland, which was quite common for the 18th century. 16. (A) affairs (B) fashions (C) industries (D) attractions 17. (A) them (B) that (C) those (D) which 18. (A) in fact (B) once again (C) as usual (D) for instance 19. (A) except (B) besides (C) including (D) regarding 20. (A) make (B) making (C) made (D) to make (101 学年度学测) 参考答案:DDACB 16.说明:本题测验考生能否掌握词汇 attractions 在篇章中的用法.空格前的 tourist 以及句 末的 a United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site 提供了作答线索. 17.说明:本题测验考生能否掌握关系代名词 which 之句法标记在篇章中的用法.考生必须 掌握本句的句法,空格前 5,000 other islands 为作答关键. 18.说明:本题测验考生能否掌握段落文意的发展,选出最适合的文意转折词 in fact.考生 须理解空格后的 an outdoor museum of wooden architecture created in

1966 在篇章 之主要功能在於「进一步阐明」 (to further elaborate)前述有关 Kizhi Island 的讯 息. 19.说明:本题测验考生能否掌握连贯标记 including 在篇章中的用法.空格后的 windmills, boathouses, chapels, fish houses, and homes 为空格前的 many historically significant and beautiful wooden structures 之具体实例. 20.说明:本题测验考生能否掌握动词分词 making 在篇章中的用法.考生必须根舷挛 意的发展掌握本句动词分词的句法结构. 学科能力测验考试说明 英文考科
