编辑: You—灰機 2013-03-31

外卖的餐 具也要留意,紧记自备之余也要提醒食肆 免餐具,以免造成浪费. 做齐以上各项小贴士,每天实践低碳饮 食一小步,一边享受美味食物之余,一边 「食」多一点绿,让用餐过程更添环保意 义. 食多一点 「绿」低碳更有营 共住有偈倾 拓社交圈子 Co-living: cheaper rents and broader social circle It may be uncomfortable to share a house with strangers, but the practice of so called co-living is getting popular in America. Renters can have their own independent bedrooms, sometimes even equipped with ensuite bathrooms, but the living room and the kitchen are shared with other tenants. This brand new practice of living is believed to enable city newcomers to enjoy a relatively lower rent and expand their social circle. Co-living is in fact not a new concept;

university dormitory can be regarded as a type of co-living. Many entrepreneurs in America have had the experience of co-renting a hackerhouse with fellow-mates C a house similar to student residence hall, serving as a staff lounge. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg rented a five-room apartment in San Francisco Bay in 2004, where the social media giant was established. Three-bedroom unit one-third cheaper With the new generation flocking to urban areas, many startups have discovered the business opportunity of co-living. Even some traditional property developers would like to jump on the bandwagon. The century-old Durst Organization has built a residential mansion Frank

57 West in Manhattan of New York, offering two different types of apartments C one for the traditional one-bedroom unit with a monthly rent of US $3,500 (approximately HK $27,300), another for the new breed of three-bedroom co-living unit costing more than one-third less. The New York real estate developer Property Markets Group designed the first batch of co-living style residential buildings in the community. A typical co-living apartment comprises three bedrooms with bathrooms inclusive, and large wardrobes for the three tenants. Although the monthly rent per bedroom is relatively low, the rental income of the entire apartment is higher than that of a traditional unit. Helps lessen loneliness Some youngsters choose co-living style apartments to save money, while some use the opportunity to make friends. One tenant has described such apartment as a bridge connecting youngsters with the city, saying that this living style is a good choice as it helps lessen loneliness, as long as there are independent bathroom and bedroom. He says it is good that the rent can be shared among tenants. Even outgoing people would like to have private moments at times. The co-living startup Common, newly established in 2015, has set up a guideline in the design of co-housing environment. It instructs that tenants should be provided with independent bedrooms, together with private bathrooms if possible, and living rooms should not be too small. A typical co-living unit located in Brooklyn of New York is equipped with two entrances, with one entering into the communal space, and another accessing directly the bedrooms and bypassing any roommates. Matt Mazzeo, investor of Common, has pointed out that one of the factors contributing to the success of the startup is that the belief of home ownership as a life goal has changed, not limited to millennials but across society. 译文原文星期二.通识博客/通识中国 星期四.通识文凭试摘星攻略 星期三.中文星级学堂 .文江学海 .STEM百科启智 星期五.通识博客/通识中国 .文江学海 星期一.通识博客 ( 一周时事聚焦 、通识把脉 ) .通识博客/通识中国 .百搭通识 心康 理得 「焦虑症常见的症状是什麽」、 「压力增加,令人有可能出现哪些身 体反应」、「失眠徵状需要持续多 久,才能被归类为『长期失眠症』」……这些心理健康常识题是否 难倒你? 原来这些常识能帮助我们,提醒我 们身心健康的重要,甚至有助我们对 抗压力及情绪问题.这些知识,对於身心都正在发育的中学生而 言,也非常有用. 心理健康的常识其实相当广泛,例如正面思维的方法、如何减 压、自助及助人的技巧、常见的精神病及其相关康复服务的资讯 等.虽然现时中学的正统课程不包括这些内容,但是要获取这些 精神健康知识,可以透过媒体、网络、书籍及社福机构,因此不 少中学生其实是「心理健康达人」,甚至有丰富的心理健康常识 可以挑战「全港中学生心理健康常识问答比赛」. 本会今年第七次举办「全港中学生心理健康常识问答比赛」, 一直期望透过比赛,鼓励全港中学生留意心理健康的常识.今届 比赛分为3个项目,参赛学生可以先出席简介会及讲座,了解赛 规之余,亦学习本港的精神健康医疗及社福服务,增加应战「本钱」. 其后,参赛学生会在今月底至10月参观复康单位及进行研习 赛,他们将到本会不同的中途宿舍探访,与精神病康复者互动, 了解他们的生活及康复历程. 到了比赛日,即是今年11月4日,参赛伍将面对笔试及问答 比试,经过首轮笔试赛后,筛选出10入围进行两场准决赛及 一场总决赛,合共要解答约200条心理健康常识题. 增进对精神病康复者接纳 我们相信,中学生若多参与类似的精神健康推广活动,可以增 进对心理健康的知识及关注,也可以提高对社区康复服务的认识 及对精神病康复者的了解及接纳,甚至能够带动师生在校园内外 推广心理健康,唤起大众对心理健康的关注,甚具意义. 参与同学并且能够将所学习的知识及探访时的感受及经历与身 边人分享,并且更积极地参与推动社会共融.有兴趣的老师及同 学们,可以透过本会的网页了解更多. 香港心理o生会教育主任 曾媚 走出校园问答赛推广心理健康Q&
