编辑: 赵志强 2013-06-29
师资队伍/个人信息 姓名郑恩来 性别 男职称副教授 系别 机械工程系 学位博士/硕导 电话

13451888670 E-mail enlaizheng@njau.

edu.cn 单位地址 南京市浦口区点将台路

40 号 邮编

210031 研究领域 复杂机电系统动力学与智能控制,农业车辆系统振动理论与减振技术 社会兼职 中国振动工程学会机械动力学委员会会员 承担项目 主持的项目: 1. 国家自然科学基金: 高速冲压工况下多连杆超精密压力机动态精度影响机理与误 差补偿研究(编号:51405238),2015/01-2017/12. 2. 江苏省自然科学基金:多连杆高速超精密压力机动态精度分析与误差补偿研究 (编号:BK20140728),2014/07-2017/06. 3. 中央高校基本科研业务费重大专项:高档锻压机床智能化专用数控系统开发 (编号:KYTZ201603),2016.01.01-2017.12.31. 4. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目: 高速冲压工况下多连杆超精密压力机动态精度影 响机理与误差补偿研究(编号:KJQN201558),2015/01-2017/12. 5. 中国博士后基金:高速犁耕下拖拉机/农具系统操纵稳定性影响机理研究(编号: 2016M591855),2015/01-2017/12. 6. 江苏省博士后基金: 刚度与阻尼可调式拖拉机驾驶室半主动座椅悬架系统控制理 论与试验研究(编号:KJQN201558),2014/03-2016/03. 7. 南京农业大学工学院优秀青年人才科技基金: 多连杆高速精密伺服压力机振动特 性分析与伺服控制策略研究(编号:YQ201606),2016/01-2018/12. 8. 南京农业大学科研启动金项目:高速精密压力机非线性隔振理论及应用研究 (编号:rcqd13-07),2013/11-2015/11. 参与的项目: 1. 江苏省科技支撑项目: 高效节能大马力拖拉机液压机械无级变速箱的研发 (编号: 1401049B),2014/07-2017/06. 2. 江苏省科技成果转化项目:高精度伺服电机驱动数控压力机的研制(编号: BA2008030),2008/10-2011/01. 学术成果 近5年主要论文: 1. Enlai Zheng*, Yindong Fan, Rui Zhu, Yue Zhu, Jieyu Xian. Prediction of the vibration characteristics for wheeled tractor with suspended driver seat including air spring and MR damper[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2016,

30 (9): 1-14. (SCI 收录, IF: 0.838) 2. Enlai Zheng*, Rui Zhu, Sihong Zhu, Xinjian Lu. A study on dynamics of flexible multi-link mechanism including joints with clearance and lubrication for ultra-precision presses[J]. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 83: 137-159. (SCI 收录, IF: 2.849) 3. 郑恩来, 张航, 朱跃, 康敏. 含间隙超精密压力机柔性多连杆机构动力学建模与 仿真. 农业机械学报, 2016. (出版中) (EI 收录) 4. Gaoyan Zhong, Chaoqun Wang, Shoufeng Yang, Enlai Zheng, Yanyan Ge. Position geometric error modeling, identification and compensation for large 5-axis machining center prototype[J]. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2015, 89: 142-150. (SCI 收录, IF: 3.037) 5. Enlai Zheng, Xincheng Sun, Min Kang. Structural optimal design of combined frame for closed high speed press system[C].

2015 International Conference on Simulation, Modelling and Mathematical Statistics (SMMS2015), Thailand, December 22-23, 2015. (EI 收录) 6. Enlai Zheng*, Fang Jia, Sihong Zhu. Thermal modeling and characteristics analysis of the high speed press system[J]. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 2014, 85: 87-99. (SCI 收录, IF: 3.037) 7. Enlai Zheng*, Fang Jia, Xinlong Zhou. Energe-based method for nonlinear characteristics analysis of Belleville springs[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2014, 79: 52-61. (SCI 收录, IF: 1.749) 8. Enlai Zheng*, Xinlong Zhou. Modeling and simulation of flexible slider-crank mechanism with clearance for closed high speed press system[J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2014, 74: 10-30. (SCI 收录, IF: 1.66) 9. Enlai Zheng*, Xinlong Zhou, Sihong Zhu. Dynamic response analysis of block foundations with nonlinear dry friction mounting system to impact loads[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2014, 28(7): 2535-2548. (SCI 收录,IF: 0.838) 10. Enlai Zheng, Fang Jia, Hongwei Sha, Suhao Wang. Non-circular belt transmission design of mechanical press[J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2012, 57: 126-138. (SCI 收录, IF: 1.66) 11. Enlai Zheng, Fang Jia, Zhisheng Zhang, Jinfei Shi. Dynamic modelling and response analysis of closed high-speed press system[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 2012, 226(4): 315-330. (SCI 收录, IF: 0.69) 12. Fang Jia, Hongwei Sha, Enlai Zheng, Zhisheng Zhang. Mechanical properties of disc springs combined with PU[C]. 19th International Conference on Mechatronics and Machine Vision in Practice, Auckland, New Zealand. November, 2012. (EI 收录) 13. Enlai Zheng, Fang Jia, Zhisheng Zhang, Jinfei Shi. Modeling and simulation of nonlinear combination disc-spring vibration isolator for high-speed press[J]. Mechatronics and Intelligent Materials, 2011, (211-212): 40-47. (EI 收录) 14. Enlai Zheng, Fang Jia, Zhisheng Zhang, Jinfei Shi. Load spectrum analysis for combined frame of closed high-speed press[J]. Journal of Southeast University, 2011, 27: 40-46. (EI 收录) 授权专利: 1.一种可调阻尼组合隔振器,发明专利,CN102094924A,中国. 奖励荣誉
