编辑: yyy888555 | 2013-10-05 |
将阀门处在最大开启状态 2) Insert first ring of packing into the stuffing box, noting the location of the ring seam. Push this ring down till it contacts the bottom of the stuffing box. 将第一道盘根环塞入填料函,记住剖分口的位置,确保将盘根环推入并接触到填料函底部;
2) Install the second ring of packing, offsetting the seam of this ring by
120 degrees clockwise from that of the previous ring. Push this ring down until it contacts the ring below it. 安装第二道盘根环,顺时针方向旋转剖分口与前一道盘根环错开
120 度,确保盘根环 推入到与前一盘根环接触;
3) If the gland follower will reach down to contact the second ring, then use it to apply compression by tightening down on the gland bolts to the Minimum recommended torque calculated by the Torque Equation below. If the gland follower does not contact the second packing ring, then insert a bushing in the stuffing box and again, apply compression by tightening down on the gland bolts to the minimum recommended torque. Remove this bushing after the compression step. 如果法兰随动套能够压到第二个盘根环,那么就通过上紧法兰螺栓来使得随动套预压 盘根环,螺栓扭矩使用下面的扭矩计算公式计算的最小推荐扭矩.如果跟随套无法压 盘根环,请通过使用一个额外的衬套来预压盘根环,扭矩同上,预压后移除这个衬 套;
4) Install the third ring of packing, offsetting the seam of this ring by 120degrees clockwise from that of the previous ring. Push this ring down until it contacts the ring below it. 安装第三道盘根环,顺时针方向旋转剖分口与前一道盘根环错开
120 度,确保盘根环推 入到与前一盘根环接触;
5) Install the fourth ring of packing, offsetting the seam of this ring by
120 degrees clockwise from that of the previous ring. Push this ring down until it contacts the ring below it. 安装第四道盘根环,顺时针方向旋转剖分口与前一道盘根环错开
120 度,确保盘根环推入 到与前一盘根环接触;
7) Use the gland follower to apply compression by tightening down on the gland bolts to the minimum recommended torque. 按照最小推荐扭矩,通过压盖随动套预压缩盘根环;
8) Install the fifth ring of packing, offsetting the seam of this ring by
120 degrees clockwise from that of the previous ring. Push this ring down until it contacts the ring below it. 安装第五道盘根环,顺时针方向旋转剖分口与前一道盘根环错开
120 度,确保盘根环推入到与前 一盘根环接触;
9) Use the gland follower to apply compression by tightening down on the gland bolts to the minimum recommended torque. 按照最小推荐扭矩,通过压盖随动套压缩整个填料组 10) Use the cycle and adjustment procedure to reduce the likelihood of gland load loss over time. 运用循环调整的措施,以减少填料压盖载荷丧失的可能性 11)我们建议阀门厂家在填料安装完成,并通过出厂测试后,到终端客户使用前,使用推荐扭矩重 复上紧压盖螺栓,以减少由于螺栓扭矩松弛造成的填料泄漏的可能. ? Torque Equation (minimum recommended torque) 推荐最小压盖螺栓扭矩力计算公式 Torque = 85.1(D2-d2)*(?)/B Where: T = Torque on each bolt (Ft Lbs) D = Bore diameter (inches) d = Stem diameter (inches) ? = Gland bolt diameter (inches) B = Number of gland bolts ? Cycle and Adjust Procedure 循环调整步骤 1) Actuate the stem through two or three revolutions of the hand wheel (in the closing direction). 启闭阀门至少 2~3 个循环;