编辑: hys520855 | 2014-01-11 |
2019 年第
38 卷第3期・羧甲基半纤维素・ 羧甲基半纤维素的制备及其 与湿强剂PAE的联用 宋飞宇 魏琪马浩刘霄武书彬* (华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室,广东广州,510640) 摘要:采用醚化法制备了具有较高羧基含量、较高分子质量的羧甲基半纤维素 (CMX) ,并将其与 聚酰胺多胺-表氯醇树脂类湿强剂 (PAE) 联用以提高纸张的湿抗张强度.
通过对CMX制备过程中碱 用量、碱化反应时间、碱化反应温度、反应体系、醚化剂氯乙酸 (SMCA) 用量、醚化反应温度、醚 化反应时间等条件的分析,探究 CMX 较优制备工艺,并分析其与 PAE 联用的增强效果.结果表明, CMX 最佳制备工艺条件为:碱化反应时间
1 h,碱化反应温度 25℃,商品半纤维素 (AXU) 与NaOH 的摩尔比为
1 ∶ 2;
5 h,醚化反应温度 55℃,AXU 与SMCA 的摩尔比为
1 ∶ 1.当CMX 溶液(质量分数 1. 25%) 的用量为 4. 8%,PAE 湿强剂溶液 (质量分数 12. 5%) 用量为 2. 0% 时,纸张 湿抗张指数达到了9.
63 N ・ m/g,相较于PAE单独使用时,湿抗张指数提高了25. 8%. 关键词:羧甲基半纤维素 (CMX) ;
聚酰胺多胺-表氯醇树脂 (PAE) ;
湿抗张指数 中图分类号:TS727+ .
2 文献标识码:A DOI:10. 11980/j. issn. 0254-508X. 2019. 03.
002 Preparation of Carboxymethyl Hemicellulose and Its Application with Polyamide Epichlorohydrin Resin as Wet Strength Additive SONG Feiyu WEI Qi MA Hao LIU Xiao WU Shubin* (State Key Lab of Pulp and Paper Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, 510640) Abstract:Carboxymethyl hemicellulose(CMX)with high carboxyl content and high molecular weight was prepared by etherification pro? cess, and applied with epichlorohydrin resin to improve the wet strength of paper. The preparation conditions were studied such as the alka? line dosage, the alkalization time, the alkalization temperature, the dosage of etherifying agent, the etherification temperature and the ether? ification time, the optimal preparation process was explored as follows: the alkalization was carried out for
1 h at room temperature after addi? tion of aqueous NaOH,the molar ratio of hemicellulose and NaOH was
1 ∶2,the etherification was carried out for
5 h and the etherification temperature was 55℃,the molar ratio of hemicellulose and etherification agent was
1 ∶1. The wet strength index of the paper reached 9.
63 N ・ m/g when CMX and PAE additions were 4. 8% and 2. 0% respectively , which was 25. 8% higher than that of using PAE alone. Key words:carboxymethyl hemicellulose;
polyamide epichlorohydrin resin;
wet strength 目前, 湿强剂广泛应用于生活用纸、 食品包装纸、 瓦楞箱纸板、 纸杯纸等湿抗张强度要求较高的纸种生 产中, 其用量均超过20 kg/t浆 (以每吨绝干浆加入固含 量为 12. 5% 的湿强剂 PAE 溶液的质量计) .聚酰胺多 胺-表氯醇树脂 (PAE) 是用途最为广泛的湿强剂之一, 其可在较宽的 pH 值范围内使用, 并有较强的自固着 性, 对含较多阴离子杂质或高盐浓度的环境有优良的 耐性.但相关研究表明, PAE 中含有环氧氯丙烷的酸 解或水解副产物 1, 3-二氯-2-丙醇 (DCP) 和3-氯-1, 2- 丙二醇 (CPD) , 这使得 PAE 中有机氯含量高达 6%[1] , 这两种均为小分子氯代有机物, 同样会随着湿强剂的 加入存留在纸品上.因此如何降低 PAE 中有机氯含 量, 成为研究的热点之一.目前国外减少 PAE 中有机 氯含量的方法主要是改善后处理工艺[2-3] .Susanna Ahola 等人[4] 利用纤维素微纤丝与 PAE 的协同作用, 使PAE 分子中末端基吸附的自由电荷与微纤丝结合, 可 作者简介:宋飞宇先生, 在读硕士研究生;