编辑: 施信荣 2014-03-21
United Nations E/ESCAP/CDR(4)/6 Economic and Social Council Distr.

: General

30 October

2015 Original: English Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction Fourth session Bangkok, 27-29 October

2015 B15-01158 (E) TP101115 Report of the Committee on Disaster Risk Reduction on its fourth session Contents Page I. Matters calling for action by the Commission or brought to its attention

2 II. Proceedings.4 A. Regional mechanisms for disaster risk reduction in the context of the post-2015 development agenda

4 B. Regional multi-hazard early warning systems.6 C. Risk-sensitive development.7 D. Development of disaster-related statistics.8 E. Regional cooperation on the applications of space technology and geographic information systems for disaster risk reduction.8 F. Consideration of the future focus of the subprogramme

10 G. Consideration of possible draft resolutions for submission to the Commission at its seventy-second session.11 H. Other matters.11 I. Adoption of the report

11 III. Organization of the session.11 A. Opening, duration and organization

11 B. Attendance.11 C. Election of officers

12 D. Agenda.12 E. Back-to-back events

13 Annex List of documents

14 E/ESCAP/CDR(4)/6

2 B15-01158 I. Matters calling for action by the Commission or brought to its attention 1. The Committee recognizes the role of the secretariat as a multidisciplinary and multilateral regional platform and, in this regard, requests the secretariat to continue to facilitate regional dialogue and cooperation in integrating disaster risk reduction into all development activities, as guided by the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 and the

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 2. The Committee requests the secretariat to establish formal linkages with various regional disaster risk reduction platforms in order to ensure that policy recommendations from these platforms are brought to the interdisciplinary and multisectoral deliberations of the Commission. To this end, the Committee recommends that the secretariat make concerted efforts to integrate seamlessly the outcomes of the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction with the work of the Committee and subsequently with that of the Commission. 3. While appreciating the work of the Asia-Pacific Regional Coordination Mechanism and its Thematic Working Group on Environment and Disaster Risk Reduction, the Committee recommends that the secretariat, through this mechanism, promote greater coherence among the United Nations system in addressing disaster risk reduction. 4. The Committee requests the secretariat to support the implementation of the Sendai Framework, climate change agreements and various aspects of the

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development pertaining to building resilience to disasters. To this end, the Committee recommends a standing bureau, consisting of the Chair and Vice-Chairs of its fourth session, to provide leadership when engaging with other regional platforms during the intersessional period of the Committee. The terms of reference of the standing bureau will be prepared by the secretariat and submitted to the Advisory Committee of Permanent Representatives and Other Representatives Designated by Members of the Commission for its consideration and adoption. 5. The Committee expresses appreciation to the secretariat for its efforts to assist member States in addressing disaster risks through analytical and policy analysis. In this respect, the Committee requests that the secretariat promote regional learning and document good practices and lessons learned on integration of disaster risk reduction into development planning, budgeting and relevant sectoral programmes. 6. The Committee commends the analytical work of the secretariat and calls on it to continue developing regional analytical knowledge and strengthen risk-sensitive development policymaking, through regular publication of the Asia-Pacific Disaster Report to inform the Committee of the progress made by countries in the region in achieving the goals and targets under the Sendai Framework and the
