编辑: 施信荣 2014-03-21

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 7. The Committee requests that the secretariat facilitate regional cooperation to address disaster risks, particularly those that are transboundary in nature, including through performing the role of a regional hub for sharing knowledge, technical assistance, tailored training, including e-learning, technology applications, experience and policy analysis. In this context, the E/ESCAP/CDR(4)/6 B15-01158

3 Committee recommends that the Asian and Pacific Centre for the Development of Disaster Information Management address the gaps in information management and knowledge-sharing by promoting regional and South-South cooperation. 8. While appreciating the regional advisory services in disaster risk reduction, the Committee requests the secretariat to make available to more countries, particularly those living with high risk but having low capacity, demand-driven, tailor-made services such as comprehensive alignment of national disaster management systems with the Sendai Framework, upgrading of technical guides on post-disaster needs assessment and contingency planning, and the development of medium-term strategic plans for transboundary disaster risk management. 9. The Committee requests the secretariat to continue to improve regional multi-hazard early warning systems and assist member States in further strengthening their national systems, including by providing capacity- development support. 10. The Committee recommends the secretariat to work towards the establishment of a regional cooperation mechanism for early warning for transboundary river basin floods and requests the secretariat to collaborate with partners to take this priority forward, in line with Commission resolution 71/12. The Committee further recommends that the secretariat address gaps in early warning for glacial lake outburst floods, flash floods and landslides, including by setting up a research network. 11. While appreciating the long-standing partnership between the secretariat of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in multi- hazard early warning, the Committee recommends the further deepening of this collaboration, as part of the regional implementation of the International Network for Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems. In this regard, the Committee also recommends further strengthening the ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee and the WMO/ESCAP Panel on Tropical Cyclones and that the ESCAP secretariat become a partner in the WMO Tropical Cyclone Committee for the South Pacific and South-East Indian Ocean. 12. The Committee recommends that the secretariat pursue developing guidelines on the integration of disaster risk reduction into multisectoral and subnational development planning and provide technical cooperation to enhance the capacity of the member States in this regard. 13. The Committee requests the secretariat to develop a regional guide for the sharing of good practices in country-level, post-disaster needs assessments, including the scope for using innovative mobile technology and space applications. 14. The Committee expresses support for the secretariat to take forward the public-private partnership initiative under the ESCAP Sustainable Business Network to review best practices. 15. Whereas the present mandate of the ESCAP Expert Group on Disaster-related Statistics in Asia and the Pacific will soon expire, the Committee recommends that guidance be sought from the Commission, at its seventy-second session, on the possible extension of the mandate, from developing a regional guide on the basic range of disaster-related statistics to promoting the application of this guide. E/ESCAP/CDR(4)/6
