编辑: Cerise银子 2014-03-25

及copy of Taiwan identity card or travel document indicating applicant'

s Taiwan identity card number or a covering note explaining why these documents are not submitted;

and (2) 一张护照规定尺寸的近照,并须贴在申请表格上. one passport size photograph affixed on the application form. (ii) 在海外居住的台湾华籍居民如欲来港旅游,须向就近的中国驻外国使领馆申请有关的进入许可(签注) .申请人亦可把填妥的申 请表 (ID 1003A 及ID 1003B) 直接邮寄予香港入境事务处或通过在香港的保证人/谘询人递交本处. Chinese residents of Taiwan living overseas who wish to enter the HKSAR for visit purpose should apply for an appropriate entry permit (in the form of an endorsement) at the Chinese diplomatic and consular mission nearest to their place of residence. They may also submit their applications by sending the completed application forms (ID 1003A and ID ........
