编辑: 牛牛小龙人 | 2014-05-07 |
s Republic of 填写出生日期.若出生日期 未知,请用'
(星号)填 写年、月或日 Indicate your date of birth. If your complete date of birth is unknown, please use '
(star sign/asterisk) to fill in the spaces for the year, month or day, where applicable. 填写出生地点 Type your city or town of birth. 填写出生城市的拼音 从列表中选择出生国家 From the list, select your country of birth. 中国选择 China, People'
s Republic of 第1页 请勾选以表明,在过去5年内,是否在你的居民国或当前 居住国以外的国家生活超过6个月的情况. 若勾选 Yes ,请继续填写下方内容. Check the box to indicate whether you have lived in any country other than your country of citizenship or your current country of residence for more than six (6) months in the past five (5) years. 通常勾选 No 从列表中选择适当信息以表明你的居 民国.居民国指你当前居住,并被该 国合法承认. From the list, select the appropriate information to indicate: The name of your country of residence. Your country of residence is the country in which you are living, provided that you have been lawfully admitted to that country. 中国选择 China, People'
s Republic of 从列表中选择你在该国的入境身份: Your immigration status in that country (indicate one of the following): Citizen C 公民 Permanent resident C 永久居民 Visitor C 访客 Worker C 工作人员 Student C 学生 Other C 其他 Protected Person C 受保护人员 Refugee Claimant C 难民 若Status 项中选择了 Other ,则此项必填. This section must be completed if you selected Other as a status. 第1页 请勾选以表明是否从你的居民国提出签证申请. 若勾选 No ,请从列表中选择适当信息以表明: 提出签证申请的所在国家 你在该国的入境身份 注意:若你不是该国公民,则在申请时必需提供合法身份证明. Check the box to indicate if you are applying from your current country of residence. If you checked No , select the appropriate information from the list to indicate: The name of the country where you are applying from, Your immigration status in that country Note: If you are not a citizen of the country where you are making your application, you must provide proof of your legal status when you submit your application. 通常勾选 Yes 第1页 填写结婚或建立同居关系的日期. Enter the date (year, month and day) you were married or you entered into your current common-law relationship. 从列表中选择当前婚姻状态. From the list, choose your current marital status: Annulled Marriage C 婚姻宣告无效(法律上宣布的无效婚姻.也可以是天主教会的婚姻关系无约束力的声明) This is a marriage that is legally declared invalid. An annulment can also be a declaration by the Catholic Church that the marital union did not have a binding force. Common-Law C 同居(与伴侣以婚姻型关系持续共同生活至少一年) This means that you have lived continuously with your partner in a marital-type relationship for a minimum of one year. Divorced C 离婚(正式离异且在法律上终止婚姻) This means that you are officially separated and have legally ended your marriage. Legally Separated C 合法分居(已婚但不再与配偶共同生活) This means that you are married, but no longer living with your spouse. Married C 已婚(你与配偶以法律形式相互约束.该婚姻必需得到婚姻所在国和加拿大的合法承认) This means that you and your spouse have had a ceremony that legally binds you to each other. Your marriage must be legally recognized in the country where it was performed and in Canada. Single C 单身(非已婚和同居关系) This means that you have never been married and are not in a common-law relationship. Widowed C 鳏寡(配偶已故,且未再婚或建立同居关系) This means that your spouse has died and that you have not remarried or entered into a common-law relationship. 填写当前配偶 或 同居 伴 侣的 姓名.注意 : 若 为同 居 关系 , 还需 填写表格 Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union (IMM 5409),并与签证申请一同提交. Type the family name(s) and given name(s) of your current spouse or common- law partner. Note: If you are in a common-law union, you must also complete the Statutory Declaration of Common-law Union (IMM 5409) form and include it with your application. 第1页 从列表........