编辑: yyy888555 2014-05-19
Employees Retraining Scheme 雇员再培训计划 雇员再培训计划 雇员再培训计划 雇员再培训计划 Thursday,

7 December

2000 -

111 - 主席 主席 主席 主席: : : : 现在就审计署署长第三十五号报告书第9章雇员再培训计划进行聆讯.

出席 的证人包括教育统筹局局长罗范椒芬女士、教育统筹局首席助理局长李国彬先生、雇 员再培训局行政总监邝胜仕先生、雇员再培训局副行政总监(课程行政及发展)彭炳鸿 先生、教育署署长张建宗先生、教育署高级助理署长(支援)李庆辉先生、教育署助理 署长(专责专务)梁百忍先生及社会福利署署长林郑月娥女士. 多谢各位出席聆讯,前一节聆讯时间较预算长,虽然大部分出席这节聆讯的 都是同一批证人,但亦有

一、两位是不同的,我在此向各位致歉.请石礼谦议员先开 始提问. Mr Abraham SHEK: The Auditor'

s Report on ERB is a thorough and a comprehensive one, highlighting ten major areas of concern in the work of ERB. The issues raised by Audit raised some fundamental problems that ERB is facing as an institution. The fundamental question is can ERB perform the duty that it is charged to perform in terms of providing training services for unemployed? The fundamental problems highlighted by the Report are: (a) non-adherence to ExCo'

s policy and directives in relation to provision of specific training courses and general admission criteria;

weak corporate management resulting in mismatching of training courses to job vacancies in the job market;

lack of adequate market information in job vacancies in designing of courses;

no clear philosophy and direction of its role as a retraining body, thereby totally relying on the training bodies to decide what to train, how to train and who to train;

(c) loose management control of its financial resources as it practically leaves the training bodies to decide what to charge and how to charge, resulting in wastage of resources;

delegation of its authority and responsibility to the training bodies with little control or simply very minimum supervision;

(e) ineffective monitoring of the performance of the training bodies resulting in ineffective and irrelevant courses being conducted, and again wastage of resources, financial resources. The first question I would like to ask, and I will go through it issue by issue, is to the Secretary for Education and Manpower. According to paragraph 2.13, section

4 of the Employees Retraining Ordinance states that one of the functions of the ERB is to identify occupations that have high vacancy rates and then engage the services of training bodies to provide corresponding retraining courses to unemployed people to assist them to secure a job in those occupations. Do you think that the ERB needs to make improvement in its current arrangement of relying on individual training bodies to identify job vacancies and to provide corresponding retraining courses? Employees Retraining Scheme 雇员再培训计划 雇员再培训计划 雇员再培训计划 雇员再培训计划 Thursday,

7 December

2000 -

112 - 主席 主席 主席 主席: : : : 局长. Mrs Fanny LAW, Secretary for Education and Manpower (SEM): Chairman, in fact the Employees Retraining Board has in the past two years already strengthened its market research efforts and has been working much more closely with the industries to identify employment opportunities. And this is really borne out by the fact that we have imposed a placement rate of
