编辑: yyy888555 2014-05-19

70 percent for the graduates of the ERB. So in fact in most of the training programmes, in particular full time programmes, the training bodies have been able to achieve this placement. This really shows that the training programmes are relevant to the job market situation. Of course there are still areas for improvement and the ERB is working on those. Of course the Labour Department is only but one source of information on job vacancies. Much more direct information can be obtained from really discussing with the various trade associations, and this is what Mr Kwong has been doing over the years. Mr Abraham SHEK: Thank you, but if you look at paragraph 2.14 there was an average of 2,700 job vacancies relating to sales personnel every month. However, the ERB did not organise any job-specific courses in this job category because you considered that the job requirements were unlikely to be met by the ERB'

s re-trainees. SEM: Yes, Mr Chairman, I will leave Mr Kwong to discuss in detail, to talk more in detail about the characteristics of the ERB trainees. I think for many of the sales jobs probably they are looking for, maybe young, younger - I do not know whether we will be stepping into the area of age discrimination here - but generally the ERB re-trainees may not fit into that sort of position, in particular if these are sales, not necessarily retail sales, but could well be sort of commission type of sales. Mr Abraham SHEK: But this would lead to an age discrimination issue? Employees Retraining Scheme 雇员再培训计划 雇员再培训计划 雇员再培训计划 雇员再培训计划 Thursday,

7 December

2000 -

113 - SEM: Well, in fact Mr Chairman, I would like to re-emphasize actually recently in one of our task forces on employment we also looked at the large number of vacancies in the sales area. Many of our young people, or job-seekers, are not interested in jobs which do not offer a stable income. So the large number of vacancies may not be a true reflection of the demand in the job. Like insurance sales, there would never be enough. Insurance companies would like to recruit a huge number but they do not offer a stable income. 主席 主席 主席 主席: : : : 报告书第2.15段应有助於解答石礼谦议员的问题,政府在该段回应中已指 出,雇主对应徵者的要求与该局所培训的人士,不论在年龄、经验或学历方面均有差 异,所以再培训局便没有为这个工种举办职业技能课程.邝先生可以再作出补充,但 请你尽量精简. 雇员再培训局行政总监邝胜仕先生 雇员再培训局行政总监邝胜仕先生 雇员再培训局行政总监邝胜仕先生 雇员再培训局行政总监邝胜仕先生: : : : 多谢主席.劳工处的职位空缺资料只是本局其中一个资料来源,我们设有雇 主热线,而各间培训机构也有很大的雇主网络.举例而言,劳工处有3 000个家务助理 的职位空缺,但根倥嘌稻值耐臣,一年约有8 000个该类职位空缺.若劳工处在某 类工种的职位空缺少,本局便不举办相关的再培训课程,职位空缺多的工种才举办再 培训课程.以刚才提及职位空缺多的推销员职位为例,应徵者须属较年轻的组别,教 育程度在中五或以上,并有相关工作经验,而这类行业没有底薪,收入来源主要依靠 佣金,但再培训局的培训对象主要是针对年龄在30岁以上,学历在中三程度以下的失 业人士,这些学员需要固定的收入,因此,我们认为提供这类培训不大适合.我们每 年知悉的职位空缺有40 000个,此外,其他的机构亦会向本局提供很多就业资料. 石礼谦议员 石礼谦议员 石礼谦议员 石礼谦议员: : : : 主席.过去一年,雇员再培训局训练了3万至4万个学员,但有50%的年龄是 在30岁以下的,若是...... 雇员再培训局行政总监 雇员再培训局行政总监 雇员再培训局行政总监 雇员再培训局行政总监: : : : 不是.就年龄而言,接受再培训的学员中有超过90%是30岁以上的.其他的 人士是有就业困难或是...... Employees Retraining Scheme 雇员再培训计划 雇员再培训计划 雇员再培训计划 雇员再培训计划 Thursday,
