编辑: 5天午托 2014-06-13

1.0 照明: (200~300)lx Lamp: (200~300)lx 目测距离: (0.3~0.5)m Space: (0.3~0.5)m GB/T 5095.1 Method 1a 1.塑料件表面应无明显疤痕、凹陷、开裂及影响使用的变形. Plastic part: smooth and flat surface without discolor, broken, crack, and distortion, etc.

2 金属件表面无锈蚀、氧化 、无明显的机械损伤及电镀层脱 落等缺陷. Metal part: bright and even surface without rust, oxide, fog and obvious physical damage, etc. 6.1.2 针的固定力 Retention Force for Pin 固定连接器/或测力计,在连接器轴线方向施加规定的推 力进行测试, 速度不大于 25mm/min. Apply thrust force on the Pin in the wafer at a rate of

25 mm/min . GB/T 5095.8 Method 15a / EIA-364-29B 30N Min 6.2 环境性能 Environmental 序号 No. 项目Item 测试条件 Test Condition 规格Requirement 6.2.1 耐高温 Heat Resistance 把试验样品置于 105±2℃的空气中放置

96 小时,再回到 室温中放置 1-2 小时测定 Make samples be exposed to the condition of 105±2℃ for

96 hours. Recovery time 1~2 hours GB/T 5095.6 Method 11i / EIA-364-17B 外观:无损伤(参照6.1.1) Appearance: No damage.( refer to 6.1.1) 6.2.2 耐低温 Cold Resistance 连接器配合后, 于-40±2℃的空气中放置

96 小时, 再回到 室温中放置 1-2 小时测定 Make samples be exposed to the condition of -40±2℃ for

96 hours. Recovery time 1~2 hours GB/T 5095.6 Method 11j / EIA-364-17B 外观:无损伤(参照6.1.1) Appearance: No damage.( refer to 6.1.1) 额定电流 Rated Current 7A 适用 PCB 板Applicable P.C.B Board Thickness:1.6mm Hole Diameter:1.65mm-1.75mm 额定电压 Rated Voltage 250V [AC(有效值 rms)/DC] 使用温度范围 Operating temperature range -40℃~+105℃ 产品规格书 PRODUCT SPECIFICATION 产品名称 Product Name: TJC50801 编号 Document No. PS2708 版本号 VersionNo.


5 /

6 6.2.3 恒定湿热 Humidity 温度 40±2℃, 相对湿度(90~95)% 搁置时间 96h,取出恢复 1~2h 后检查. Make samples be exposed to the condition of 40±2℃ (90~95)% Humidity for

96 hours. Recovery time 1~2 hours GB/T 5095.6 Method 11c /EIA-364-31B 外观:无损伤(参照6.1.1) Appearance: No damage.( refer to 6.1.1) 6.2.4 温度循环 Temperature Cycling 把试验样品分别放入高、低温试验箱中,按下列步骤调 试温度: a) 在(-55±2)℃的恒温条件下放置 0.5h;

b) 在(85±2)℃的恒温条件下放置 0.5h;


5 个循环,恢复 1~2h 后检查. Make samples shall be tested under the following conditions Temperature °C Duration (Minutes)

1 -55

30 2 +25 5Max.

3 +85

30 4 +25 5Max. Step

1 to

4 is one cycle,

5 cycles shall be tested. Recovery time 1~2 hours. GB/T 5095.6 method 11d / EIA-364-32C 外观:无损伤(参照6.1.1) Appearance: No damage.( refer to 6.1.1) 6.2.5 盐雾 Salt Spray 把试验样品从试验箱顶悬挂下来,采用浓度为(5±1)%(质 量百分比)的氯化钠溶液,在(35±2)℃温度下连续雾化 48h,试验后用流动的蒸馏水轻轻洗去表面沉积物. 在常温 常湿条件下恢复 1~2h

48 hours spray, at temp (35±2)℃, Salt NaCl mist (5±1)% After test wash parts and return to room ambient for 1~2 hours GB/T 5095.6 Method 11f /EIA-364-26B 外观:无损伤(五金件应无露出底金属的严重锈蚀;

使用预镀好 的型材,其落料面允许有不影响其性能的轻微腐蚀.) Appearance: No Damage (No erosion with material exposed. And with plating material, slight erosion on the cutting surface is acceptable) 6.2.6 可焊性 Solderability 把试验样品需要焊接的部位浸入焊锡炉中,锡炉温度 (240±5)℃,时间(2±0.5)s Dip solder tails into the molten solder(held at (240±5) ℃ for (2 ±0.5) sec. GB/T 5095.6 Method 12a / EIA-364-52 上锡率≥90%: Solder coverage: ≥90% 6.2.7 耐焊接热 Resistance to Soldering Heat 把试验样品需要焊接的部位浸入焊锡炉中,锡炉温度 (260±5) ℃;
