编辑: 252276522 2015-02-12
第14 卷第1期太赫兹科学与电子信息学报 Vo1.

14, No.

1 2016 年2月Journal of Terahertz Science and Electronic Information Technology Feb. ,

2016 文章编号:2095-4980(2016)01-0143-05 国产中高压抗辐照功率 MOSFET 单粒子效应 高博,王立新,刘刚,罗家俊,韩郑生,王路璐,邓海涛 (中国科学院 微电子研究所,北京 100029) 摘要: 功率金属-氧化物半导体场效应晶体管(MOSFET)空间使用时易遭受重离子轰击产生单 粒子效应(单粒子烧毁和单粒子栅穿).本文对国产新型中、高压(额定电压

250 V,500 V)抗辐照功率 MOSFET 的单粒子辐射效应进行了研究,并采取了有针对性的加固措施,使器件的抗单粒子能力显 著提升.结果表明:对250 V KW2 型功率 MOSFET 器件进行 Bi 粒子辐照,在栅压等于

0 V 时,安 全工作的漏极电压达到

250 V;

对500 V KW5 型功率 MOSFET 器件进行 Xe 粒子辐照,在栅压等于

0 V 时, 安全工作的漏极电压达到

400 V, 并且当栅压为-15 V 时, 安全工作的漏极电压也达到

400 V, 说明国产中、高压功率 MOSFET 器件有较好的抗单粒子能力. 关键字:功率金属-氧化物半导体场效应晶体管;


抗辐射加固 中图分类号: TN386 文献标识码: A doi: 10.11805/TKYDA201601.0143 Single event effects for domestic radiation-hardened power MOSFET devices GAO Bo,WANG Lixin,LIU Gang,LUO Jiajun,HAN Zhengsheng,WANG Lulu,DENG Haitao (Institute of Microelectronics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100029,China) Abstract:The single event effects of power Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) are easy to be induced by impacts of heavy ion when they are used in space environment, such as single event burnout and Single Event Gate Rupture(SEGR). The single event effects of domestic new type anti-irradiation power MOSFETs with medium or high voltage(rated voltages are

250 V and

500 V) are studied in this paper. Targeted reinforcement measures are taken and the ability of devices to resist single event effect is significantly improved. Experiment results indicate that the

250 V power MOSFET is irradiated by Bi particles, the drain voltage of safety work reaches

250 V when gate voltage is

0 V;


500 V power MOSFET is irradiated by Xe particles, the drain voltage of safety work reaches

400 V when gate voltage is

0 V, and the drain voltage of safety work can also reach

400 V when gate voltage is -15 V. The experiment results show that the domestic power MOSFET with medium or high voltage has a good ability to resist single event effect. Key words:power Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor;

single event effects;

radiation hardened 由于功率金属-氧化物半导体场效应晶体管(MOSFET)具有输入阻抗高,驱动功率低,开关速度快,热稳定 性好等特点,同时还具有负温度系数、无双极晶体管所谓的二次击穿等优点,在航空、航天、核工程等极端复杂 环境下的应用越来越广泛[1-3] . 众所周知,空间中存在着大量的带电粒子及宇宙射线,单粒子辐射损伤会引起电子元器件性能退化[4-8] ,降 低卫星的可靠性.功率 MOSFET 应用于卫星及航天器的电子系统时,极易被重离子诱发单粒子效应(单粒子烧毁 和单粒子栅穿),尤其是功率 MOSFET 在受到辐照后导致电源电压和功耗造成剧烈波动,将对卫星及航天器的电 子系统产生灾难性的后果,影响卫星及航天器的在轨使用寿命.随着航天事业的发展,我国对电子元器件的辐射 损伤效应、机理、加固技术的研究越来越多,取得了许多重要成果[9-11] . 目前,一些新型长寿命卫星采用了
