编辑: 过于眷恋 2015-02-25

32 11.5 Barrier and Handrail Maiking and Installation.32 11.6 Moulding and Ornament Making and Installation.34 11.7 Removal Partition Making and Installation.35 11.8 Internal Sunshade Installation.36 11.9 Balcony Drying Rack Installation.36

12 Kitchen Works

38 12.1 General Regulations

38 12.2 Cabinet Installation.38

13 Bathroom Works.40 13.1 General Regulations

40 13.2 Sanitary Ware Installation.40 13.3 Shower Cubicle Making and Installation.41 13.4 Integral Bathroom Installation.42 13.5 Bathroom Accessories Installation

42 14 Electicity Installation Works

43 14.1 General Regulations

43 14.2 Distribution Box Installation

43 14.3 Interior Wiring Installation

44 14.4 Switch and Socket Installation.44 14.5 Lighting Lamps Installation.45 14.6 Equipotential Bonding.46

15 Intelligentization Works.48 15.1 General Regulations

48 15.2 Cable Television Installation

48 15.3 Telephone and Information Networks Installation.48 15.4 Visitor Intercom System Installation

49 15.5 Emergency Calling and Intruder Alarm System Installation.49 15.6 Intelligent Home System

49 15.6 Intelligent Home Furnishing system

50 16 Water Supply , Sewerage and Heating Works

51 16.1 General Regulations

51 16.2 Water Supply and Sewerage

51 16.3 Heating.52 16.4 Solar Water Heating System Installation

53 17 Ventilating and Air-conditioning Works.55 17.1 General Regulations

55 17.2 Air-conditioner, Air-fresh (Air Renewal) System.55

18 Indoor Enviromental Pollution Control

57 18.1 General Regulations

57 18.2 Major Iterms Controllable

57 19 Quality Acceptance.58

9 Appendix A: Subdivisional Iterms of Overall Residential Decoration

60 Appendix B: Sheet of Inspection Lot Quality Acceptance Records of Overall Residential Interior Decoration.61 Appendix C: Sheet of Individal Inspection of Overall Residential Interior Decoration

62 Appendix C-1: Dimensional Inspection Records of Interior Clear Distance and Clear Height ....65 Appendix D: Summary Sheet of Individal Inspection of Overall Residential Interior Decoration

66 Appendix E: Summary Sheet of Quality Inspection of Overall Residential Interior Decoration..67 Explanation of Wording in This Code

68 List of Quoted Standards

69 Provision Explanation

70 10

1 总则1.0.1 为加强全装修住宅室内装饰装修工程的质量管理, 规范全装修住宅室内装饰装修工程 质量验收,保证工程质量,制定本规范. 1.0.2 本规范适用于全装修住宅户内装饰装修工程的施工质量验收. 1.0.3 全装修住宅室内装饰装修工程的质量验收, 除应执行本规范外, 尚应符合国家和浙江 省现行有关标准的规定. 1.0.4 本规范应与现行国家标准《建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准》GB50300 配套使用.

11 2 术语2.0.1 全装修(Full decoration) 建筑室内所有功能空间的固定面全部铺装或粉刷完毕, 厨房与卫生间的基本设施、 设备 全部安装完成. 2.0.2 全装修住宅(Full decoration house) 在住宅交付使用前,完成套内所有功能空间的硬装作业,给水排水、燃气供应、通风与 空调、照明供电以及智能化等系统基本安装到位,厨房、卫生间等基本设施设备完备,使住 宅具备基本使用功能,可直接入住的住宅. 2.0.3 部品(Parts) 按照一定的边界条件和配套技术, 由两个或两个以上的住宅单一产品或复合产品在现场 组装而成, 构成住宅某一部位中的一个功能单元, 能满足该部位一项或者几项功能要求的产 品. 2.0.4 空间尺寸(Space size) 住宅室内相对应各装饰完成面之间的距离. 2.0.5 基层(Base course) 直接承受装饰装修施工的面层. 2.0.6 集成吊顶(Integrated ceiling) 由装饰模块、功能模块及构配件组成的,在工厂预制的、可自由组合的多功能一体化装 置. 2.0.7 分户检验(Household test) 单位工程竣工验收前, 侧重对住宅各功能空间的使用功能、 观感质量等内容所进行的分 户(套)检验.
