编辑: ACcyL 2015-08-19

2019 年全国职业院校技能大赛(高职组) 云计算技术与应用 赛卷 E 第8页共112 页CINDER_DBPASS=000000 ##Password for Keystore cinder user. exmaple:000000 CINDER_PASS=000000 ##Cinder Block Disk. example:md126p3 BLOCK_DISK=md126p4 Swift config- ##Password for Keystore swift user. exmaple:000000 SWIFT_PASS=000000 ##The NO1. NODE Object Disk for Swift. example:md126p4. The 2nd will be OBJECT_DISK_2 OBJECT_DISK=md126p5 ##The NO1. NODE IP for Swift Storage Network. example:x.x.x.x. The 2nd will be STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP_2 STORAGE_LOCAL_NET_IP= Heat config- ##Password for Mysql heat user. exmaple:000000 HEAT_DBPASS=000000 ##Password for Keystore heat user. exmaple:000000 HEAT_PASS=000000 Ceilometer config- ##Password for Mysql ceilometer user. exmaple:000000 CEILOMETER_DBPASS=000000 ##Password for Keystore ceilometer user. exmaple:000000 CEILOMETER_PASS=000000 AODH config- ##Password for Mysql AODH user. exmaple:000000 AODH_DBPASS=000000 ##Password for Keystore AODH user. exmaple:000000 AODH_PASS=000000 正确的 openrc.sh 配置文件参数

1 分2019 年全国职业院校技能大赛(高职组) 云计算技术与应用 赛卷 E 第9页共112 页5. 数据库安装(2 分) 使用 iaas-install-mysql.sh 脚本安装数据库服务,进入数据库. (1)创建本地用户 examuser,密码为 000000;

(2)查询 mysql 数据库中 user 表的 host,user,password 字段;

(3)赋予该用户对所有数据库拥有 查询 删除 更新 创建 的 本地权限. 依次将各操作命令与返回结果以文本形式提交到答题框. 参考答案 [MariaDB [(none)]>

insert into mysql.user(host,user,Password) values( localhost , examuser ,Password(

000000 ));

Query OK,

1 row affected,

4 warnings (0.00 sec) MariaDB [(none)]>

use mysql Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed MariaDB [mysql]>

select host,user,password from user;

| host | user | password | | localhost | root | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 | | xiandian | root | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 | | | root | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 | | ::1 | root | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 | | localhost | keystone | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 | | % | keystone | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 | | localhost | glance | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 | | % | glance | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 | | localhost | nova | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 | | % | nova | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 | | localhost | neutron | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 |

2019 年全国职业院校技能大赛(高职组) 云计算技术与应用 赛卷 E 第10 页共112 页|%|neutron | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 | | localhost | cinder | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 | | % | cinder | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 | | localhost | heat | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 | | % | heat | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 | | localhost | aodh | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 | | % | aodh | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 | | localhost | examuser | *032197AE5731D4664921A6CCAC7CFCE6A0698693 |

19 rows in set (0.00 sec) MariaDB [mysql]>

grant select,delete,update,create on *.* to examuser@ localhost identified by

000000 ;

Query OK,

0 rows affected (0.01 sec) 正确的创建用户 0.5 分 正确的查询信息 0.5 分 赋予用户正确的权限
