编辑: xiong447385 2015-12-03
国际合作 International Cooperation

64 / 中国进出口银行 / 2017年年度报告 2017年,进出口银行践行政策性金融职责使命,积极参与 一带一路 国际合作 高峰论坛等重大主场外交活动,围绕进出口银行中心工作不断深化对外交往与务实合 作,并有重点、分步骤地完善海外机构布局.

In 2017, the Bank actively participated in major diplomatic events hosted by China, including the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF). Focusing on fulfilling its mission, the Bank further deepened exchanges and practical cooperation with other countries, and worked in a phased manner to improve the layout of its overseas institutions with clear priorities. THE EXPORT-IMPORT BANK OF CHINA / ANNUAL REPORT

2017 /

65 重要活动 Key Events 积极参与 一带一路 国际合作高峰论坛 The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation 2017年5月,进出口银行聚焦发挥 一带一路 政策性融资主力 军作用,在 一带一路 国际合作高峰论坛中,达成成果数量位居 国内金融机构之首.胡晓炼董事长、刘连舸行长受邀参加高峰论坛 开幕式及高级别全体会议,胡晓炼董事长在 促进资金融通 平行 主题会议上围绕 加强金融合作,促进资金融通 阐述进出口银行 观点. 配合金砖国家领导人厦门会晤 BRICS Xiamen Summit 2017年9月,为配合金砖国家领导人厦门会晤,胡晓炼董事长 应邀参加金砖国家工商论坛,并在 金融合作与发展 专题研讨环节 发言. The Bank gave full play to its role as a major policy financial institution mandated for the implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative to help make BRF successful. The number of BRF deliverables contributed by the Bank ranked the first among all the domestic financial institutions. Chairman Hu Xiaolian and President Liu Liange were invited to the BRF opening ceremony and high-level plenary sessions. Chairman Hu Xiaolian shared views about strengthening cooperation to promote financial connectivity at the Parallel Session on Financial Connectivity. In September, Chairman Hu Xiaolian was invited to the BRICS Business Forum held on the sidelines of BRICS Xiamen Summit, and delivered a speech at the panel themed Financial Cooperation and Development .

66 / 中国进出口银行 / 2017年年度报告 配合国家领导人访问菲律宾 Visit to the Philippines 2017年11月, 刘连舸行长访问菲律宾,在中菲两国领导人的见证下,与菲律 宾财政部签署了有关灌溉和水坝项目融资 合作协议.协议的签署进一步推动了中菲 共建 一带一路 有关务实合作进展,对于 加强两国经济合作与联系,推动区域稳定 和平发展将起到积极作用. In November, President Liu Liange visited the Philippines. In the presence of the two heads of state of China and the Philippines, President Liu signed financial cooperation agreements on irrigation and dam projects with the Department of Finance of the Philippines. The signing of the agreements helped further China-Philippines practical cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative, strengthen bilateral economic cooperation, and promote stability and peaceful development of the region as a whole. In November, Chairman Hu Xiaolian visited the Lao PDR. In the presence of the two heads of state of China and the Lao PDR, Chairman Hu signed loan agreements on hydropower station project and power transmission and distribution project with the Ministry of Economics and Finance of the Lao PDR. During the visit, Chairman Hu made on-site visits to the landmark projects financed by the Bank, such as the China-Laos Railway and the Laos No.
