编辑: 黑豆奇酷 | 2015-12-10 |
s shareholding in a particular A share should not exceed 10% of the total issued shares. All foreign investors'
shareholding in the A shares of a listed company is not allowed to exceed 30% of its total issued shares. For any exceeding of this threshold, HKEX will identify and arrange forced-sale of the relevant A-shares. Customers should make sure the shareholding percentage complies with the related restriction. The Mainland China also requires single investors to report in writing to the China Securities Regulatory Commission within a specified period and the relevant exchange and inform the listed companies when the percentage of A shares held or controlled by the investor exceeds 5% of its total issued shares. Customers have to conform to the relevant rules themselves. Also customers should understand fully the Mainland rules and regulations in relation to short-swing profits, disclosure obligations and follow such rules and regulations accordingly. Quotas restriction Once the daily quota is used up, acceptance of the corresponding buy orders will also be immediately suspended and no further buy orders will be accepted for the remainder of the day. Buy orders which have been accepted will not be affected by the using up of the daily quota, while sell orders will be continued to be accepted. Depending on the aggregate quota balance situation, buying services will be resumed on the following trading day. Customers should not place buy orders with fictitious prices in order to secure or reserve the quota. Trading day difference Shanghai Stock Connect and Shenzhen Stock Connect will only operate on days when both markets are open for trading and when banks in both markets are open on the corresponding settlement days. So it is possible that there are occasions when it is a normal trading day for the Mainland market but customers cannot carry out any A-share trading. Customers should take note of the days Shanghai Stock Connect and Shenzhen Stock Connect is open for business and decide according to their own risk tolerance capability whether or not to take on the risk of price fluctuations in A-shares during the time when Shanghai Stock Connect and Shenzhen Stock Connect is not trading. Day (turnaround) Trading Customers are not allowed to carry out A shares day trading. A shares bought on trade day (T-day) can only be sold on or after T+1 day. 由於沪、深、港市场在交易所规则、投资环境以及投资产品等方面都存在一定差 异,客户除面对与香港股票市场投资同样的风险外,还可能面临其他潜在特殊风 险.因此客户在参与「沪港通」及「深港通」下的「沪股通」及「深股通」A股 股票( A股 ) 交易前,宜掌握内地市场的证券基础知识,了解交易所业务........