编辑: 怪只怪这光太美 2015-12-23

2008 Recognized by the American Institute of Chemical Engineers as one of the

100 Eminent Chemical Engineers in Modern Times.

2000 AEESP Landmark Achievement Award. This award is presented annually to authors of an outstanding publication that has made a valuable contribution to the field and has withstood the test of time. The citation is: Crittenden, J.C., D.W. Hand, H. Arora, and B.W. Lykins Jr., Design Considerations for GAC Treatment of Organic Chemicals, Journal of American Water Works Association, Vol. 79, No. 1, pp.

74 82 (1988). John Crittenden graduated from University of Michigan with a bachelor'

s degree in chemical engineering, a master'

s degree in civil engineering, and a Ph. D. degree. Since 1998, he has been deputy editor of the Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, and was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 2002. 7/63 12:

00 - 13:00 午餐 12:

00 - 13:00 Lunch 13:00 - 14:30 主旨报告第一单元/ 1st Session of Keynote Speeches 主持人:柔斯特(Foljanty-Jost)教授, 德国马丁路德・ 哈勒-维滕贝格大学 Host: Prof. Gesine Foljanty, Martin Luther University Halle Wittenberg 地点:诚信楼三层国际会议厅 Venue: International Conference Hall, 3rd floor of Chengxin Building, (UIBE) 时间 | Time 题目 | Theme 发言人 | Addressor 单位 | Affiliation 13:00 - 13:30 中国国民经济面临的挑战 以及中德合作前景 Herausforderungen für die chinesische Volkswirtschaft und Felder der Zusammenarbeit mit Deutschland 柯途思教授 Prof. Thomas Kohl 北京洪堡论坛创始成员 欧洲经济研究院行政总裁 对外经济贸易大学客座教授 BHF-Founding Member Executive director of Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) Guest Professor of UIBE 13:30 -14:00 光学分析: 用于研究与技术的精密灵敏手段 Optical Analytics: Precise and Sensitive Tools for Research and Technology 诺贝特・艾斯 教授 Prof. Norbert Esser 德国分析科学研究院 (ISAS,莱布尼茨研究协会) Leibniz Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften - ISAS 14:00 -14:30 社会与经济研究中的非线性关系 ――实证证据 Non-linear relationships in social and economic research - Empirical Evidence 褚安思教授 Prof. Andreas Zehetner 北京洪堡论坛创始成员 上奥地利应用技术大学副校长 BHF-Founding Member Vice president of University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (FH OOE) 14:30 - 15:00 茶歇 14:30 - 15:00 Tee Break 15:00 - 16:30 主旨报告第二单元/ 2nd Session of Keynote Speeches 主持人:诺贝特・ 艾斯教授,德国分析科学研究院(ISAS,莱布尼茨研究协会) Host: Prof. Norbert Esser, Leibniz Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften - ISAS 地点:诚信楼三层国际会议厅 Venue:International Conference Hall, 3rd floor of Chengxin Building, (UIBE) 8/63 时间 | Time 题目 | Theme 发言人 | Addressor 单位 | Affiliation 15:00 - 15:

30 欧盟―中国:紧密合作以应对全 球挑战的机遇 EU - China: Opportunities For Closer Cooperation to Deal With Globe Challenges Mr. Friedhelm Frischenschlager 奥地利前国防部长 European Movement 联合会 (奥地利)副会长 Former Austrian Defense Minister, Vice president of European Movement Austria 15:30 - 16:

00 从绿色北京走向绿色一带一路 From Green Beijing to Green Belt and road 薛进军 教授 Prof. XUE Jinjun 北京洪堡论坛创始成员、 名古屋 大学教授、对外经济贸易大学国 际低碳研究所联席所长 BHF Founding-Member , Nagoya University, Co-Director of Global Institute of Low-Carbon Economy 16:
