编辑: 此身滑稽 2015-12-23

6 ℃ ) in the fourth day. The moisture contents of the five composting systems declined during the composting process? and supplementing water to 50% in the eighteenth day caused an increase from 70? 2% to 88? 4% in the degradation rate of 2?4~dinitrotoluene~3~sulfonate ( pig manure+rice chaff). The pH of the five composting systems increased initially? decreased subsequently and stabilized finally. The results showed that organic waste composting can treat soil polluted by TNT red water. The pig manure+sawdust system had the highest degradation rate among the five studied composting systems? representing degradation rates of 88? 4% and 100% for 2? 4~dinitrotoluene~3~sulfonate and 2?4~dinitrotoluene~5~sulfonate? respectively. Keywords: composting? TNT red water? soil? dinitrotoluenesulfonates TNT(2?4?6~三硝基甲苯)红水是 TNT 精制过 程中产生的含有 DNTS(dinitrotoluenesulfonate?二硝 第11 期丛鑫等:堆肥化处理 TNT 红水污染土壤 基甲苯磺酸盐) 的高浓度废水[1] . DNTS 是一类有毒 物质?包括 2?4~DNT~3~SO3 - (2?4~二硝基甲苯~3~磺酸 盐)和2?4~DNT~5~SO3 - (2?4~二硝基甲苯~5~磺酸盐) 两种异构体?在环境中可以转化为具有相似或更大毒 性的物质. TNT 红水进入环境中后?可以通过渗透和 溢流等作用在环境介质间迁移?从而导致土壤污染甚 至造成地下水污染[2~3] . 因此此类土壤修复研究受到 高度关注. ZHU 等[4] 研究了纳米铁颗粒还原降解 TNT 红水中二硝基甲基磺酸钠的可行性?结果表明? 纳米铁能够将硝基转化为氨基?将硝酸氮转化为氨 氮?但纳米铁容易团聚限制了它在环境修复中的应 用. 一些学者采用活性焦吸附、芬顿法和生物处理等 方法去除 TNT 红水中的有机物质?但这些方法存在 处理费用较高等问题[5~8] . 堆肥化修复污染土壤是

20 世纪

80 年代以来兴 起的治理环境污染的生物工程技术?主要是利用生物 特有的分解有毒有害物质的能力?采用诸如提高通气 效率、外源加水、补充营养等办法来提高微生物的代 谢作用和降解活性水平?以加快对污染物的降解速 率[9] . 目前堆肥化修复石油、杀虫剂和多环芳烃等污 染土壤方法和研究已见报道[10~13] ?但鲜见堆肥化修 复TNT 红水污染土壤的相关报道. 鉴于........
