编辑: 没心没肺DR | 2016-01-05 |
150 Pressure adjustments !
30 bar and in
5 bar steps are possible. NBR seals = No code FKM seals =V Details are completed by the factory
1 2
3 355 调整元件手轮 (密封的压力调整器,卸载或在较低的可设定 围内调整是可能的) 带密封保护盖的调整元件 (不可调整和卸载是可能的) 由用户给出在型号中的压力. 压力调整 ≥
30 bar和5 bar间隔是可能的. 例如 丁 橡胶密封件 氟橡胶密封件 无代号 由厂方填入 按97/23 EG 指导而通过设计测试 (压力元件指导) 订货细则-已通过设计测试的溢流阀DB..K../..E型,1X系列 最大 允许流量 qVmax L/min 设定 响应压力 bar 元件代号 通径 型号 已通过设计测试的安全阀DB..K../..E,1X系列按压力元件指导DGRL 97/23 EG 应用备注必需考虑在内! ? 元件标示标明响应压力是在生产以流量
2 L/min 设定 的. ? 元件标示标明的最大允许流量有效於: - 不带背压的先导 外部 (=Y在订货号中) 回油油路,回 油油路的允许背压 (油口T) <
10 bar ? 安全阀的回油管 (油口T和Y) 必须以安全的方式排放,油 液一定不能汇集到一个排放管路中. ? 当拆除安全阀的密封件时,钻孔 XY 不带油口X ? 压力元件指导的要求及资料表AD2000-A2必需考虑在 内! ? 在订购一个经过设计认证的溢流阀前,请先确认所需在响 应压力p时,安全阀的最大允许流量qVmax (即元件标示於 位置 G 的数值) 必须大过系统有可能达到的最大流量. 合适的规必需计算在内! ? 按照 DGRL 97/23/EG 流量即使增加,系统压力也一定不 会超过响应压力的10% (请见於元件标示) . - 不超过在元件标示标明的最大允许流量. - 安全阀的回油油路必需要安全地回油.油液一定不能於 回油系统积聚 (请用於资料表AD2000-A2) . B1_0353-0364 7/22/04, 2:44 AM
3 4/12 RC
25 818/03.03 DB(W)...W65
3 Y X P T
9 5
12 3
13 4
10 11
1 6
8 7
2 P T X P T Y P T Y X P T A B P T a b A B P T a b P T A B P T a b A B P T a b X P T A B P T a b A B P T a b Y P T A B P T a b A B P T a b X Y P T Types DB and DBW valves are pilot operated pressure relief valves of cartridge design. They are used for limiting (DB) or limiting and solenoid operated unloading (DBW only with threaded connections) of an operating pressure. The valves basically consists of the housing (1) and a pressure control valve cartridge (2). The pressure present in port P acts on the spool (3).At the same time pressure is applied to poppet (6) via orifice drillings (4 and 5).When the pressure port P exceeds the force set on the spring (7),the poppet (6) opens against the spring (7). Pressure fluid can now flow from port P via the orifice drillings (4 und 5) into the spring chamber (8).From here the fluid is led internally, with type DB..-4X/.. , via control passages (9 and 10) or externally, with type DB..-4X/..Y .. , via control passages (9 and 11) to the tank. Due to the balanced condition at the poppet (3) pressure fluid flows from port P to portT , while maintaining the set operating pressure. A pressure gauge connection (12) allows the operating pressure to be monitored. The pressure relief valve can be unloaded or switched over to another pressure value (second pressure stage) via port X (13). Pressure relief valve type DBW (only threaded connections) In principle,the function of this valve corresponds to that of the valve type DB. Unloading of the main poppet is achieved by controlling the built-on directional valve. Type DB 20-1-4X/...W65