编辑: 学冬欧巴么么哒 2016-08-02
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1 6 云南特色鸡肉春卷 Yunnan chicken spring rolls ?40

2 1 云南当地茉莉花饼 Yunnan local jasmine flowers* cakes <

茉莉花Jasmine flower>


花、叶药用治目赤肿痛,并 有止咳化痰之效.

Jasmine flower is the important material for scented tea and essence. Flower and leaves of jasmine can cure sore red swollen eyes, cough and phlegm. ?40

3 7 傣族风味虾饼 Dai Tribe flavor shirmp cakes ?68

4 3 西双版纳风味鱼饼 Xishuangbanna flavor fish cakes ?75

5 5 放养鸡肉沙嗲 Free range chicken satay ?60

6 4 大理风味煎羊乳饼 Dali flavor fried goat milk cheese*cakes <

羊乳饼Goat milk cheese>

又叫奶豆腐,是山羊奶制品,含有丰富的脂肪蛋白,是营养丰富且味美鲜香的高级滋补品, 是上等美味佳肴.Goat milk cheese is also called milk tofu. It is a kind of dairy product, rich in lipoprotein. It is tonic food because of the nutrients. ?58

7 8 现烤云南玫瑰鲜花饼 Roasted Yunnan rose flowers cakes ?40

8 2 现烤石屏臭豆腐 Shiping Grilled Stinking Beancurd* :,石屏豆腐制作最奇特之处在于使用石屏境内特有的天然井水(俗称 酸水 )作凝固 剂,这种 酸水 离开石屏无论如何也点制不出豆腐.人们说石屏豆腐是带不走的石屏专利.石屏制作豆腐已有400多年 的历史. The special part of the processing is to use the typical natural water ( acid water) in Shiping as coagulating agent. It is always said that Shi Ping Tofu is the Shiping patent that can not be taken away. Tofu processing in Shiping has

400 years history. ?68

9 10 西双版纳风味凉拌海鲜 Xishuangbanna flavor Seafood Salad ?78

10 12 傣家拌无骨凤爪 Dai Tribe De-boned chicken feet ?50

11 9 滇西凉拌云腿米线 West Yunnan cold rice noodles with ham* :云南省著名汉族特产之一,因产于宣威县而得名,长期以来一直以营养丰富,肉质滋嫩,油而 不腻,香味浓郁,咸香回甜著称于世,属珍贵礼品.宣威火腿历史悠久,享誉中外,属中国三大名腿之一.Xuanwei Ham is a famous specialty made by Han people in Yunnan. It is named after the production place―Xuanwei County. It is popular for its nutrients, tender meat, sweet favor. It has a long history, and is one of the three kinds of famous ham in China. ?58

12 14 大理豌豆粉 Da Li style bean jelly ?40

13 15 西双版纳鲜蔬手卷 Xishuangbanna fresh vegetable wraps ?48

14 17 凉拌七彩折耳根(七彩花生) Colorful Herba Houttuyniae Salad(with peanut) ?40

15 13 滇西风味凉拌木瓜 West Yunnan flavor papaya salad ?58

16 11 火烧茄子拌豆腐 Folk Braised eggplant with tofu ?45

17 16 哈尼族椒麻鸡 Hani Tribe chicken salad with chili and sesame ?60

18 20 玉溪褚橙拌虾仁 Yu-xi shrimp salad with Chu Orange* :褚橙是云南的特产冰糖脐橙的别称,形状为圆形至长圆形,颜色为橙黄色,因由昔日烟王红塔集团原 董事长褚时健种植而得名.Chu Orange is another name of navel orange in Yunnan, with a round or oval shape and orange- yellow color. It becomes popular because it is planted by Chu Shijian, King of Tobacco and pre-president of Hongta Group. ?80

19 19 景颇族柠檬鸡 JinBo Tribe style lemon chicken salad ?68

20 18 普洱鸡枞菌什锦菜* Pu-erh range Ji-zong mushroom*with assorted vegetables <

鸡枞菌JI-zong mushroom>

:四大名菌之一,在食用野生菌中为珍品.鸡枞菌肉厚肥硕,质细丝白,味道鲜甜香脆.含 人体所必须的氨基酸、蛋白质、脂肪,还含有各种维生素和钙、磷、核黄酸等物质.Collybia albuminosa or Jizong mushroom is a treasure in edible mushroom. It has broad cap, fine texture and white color. It tastes fresh and sweet. And it contains amino acid, protein, fat, other vitamins etc. which are necessary for human body. ?50 菜单编号 Price (RMB) 一 开胃菜、小吃类 Appetizers 二 沙拉、凉菜类 Salad and Cold dish 序号 MENU
