编辑: NaluLee 2017-03-07
Subject Code CBS3946 Subject Title Classical Chinese Credit Value

3 Level

3 Pre-requisite / Co-requisite/ Exclusion Nil Objectives This subject aims to enhance students' knowledge of the culture of pre-modern China through the study of elite writing in Classical Chinese.

The methodical scientific approach conceived by Wang Li will be adopted in order to strengthen students' reading ability in Classical Chinese. Four key aspects, viz. the text, fundamental vocabulary, syntax, and relevant knowledge will be covered in the teaching materials. Students will be taught to integrate and apply their knowledge when using modern Chinese. Intended Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the subject, students will be able to: Category A: Professional/academic knowledge and skills 1. Understand the lexicality and syntax of Classical Chinese;

2. Analyze Classical Chinese writings;

3. Use different tools such as dictionaries and reference books;

and 4. Know the relationship between the content or style of elite writings and cultural, historical, philosophical and social developments in Ancient China. Category B: Attributes for all-roundedness 1. Obtain analytical and critical thinking skills through the systematic study of Classical Chinese;

2. Appreciate the impact of Chinese civilization and culture on present-day world. Subject Synopsis/ Indicative Syllabus A. Selected Texts 1. Prose: Lunyu (论语)、Mengzi (孟子)、Shiji (史记) 2.Verses: Shijing (诗经)、Tang Shi (唐诗)、Song Ci (宋词)、Yuan Qu (元曲)、Ming Chuanqi(明传奇) 3.Fiction: Qing Xiaoshuo(清小说) B. Lexical Items 1. Literal and extended meanings of the commonly used lexical items;

2. Synonyms;

3. Semantic changes over time. C. Syntax 1. Sentence structure and style;

2. Word order;

and 3. Functional shift of lexical items. D. Relevant Knowledge 1. Influential dictionaries and reference books in studying Classical Chinese;

2. Distinguish characteristics in Chinese culture such as family values, government hierarchy, rituals and festivals, arts and literature, astronomy and geography, etc. Teaching/Learning Methodology The subject will adopt an interactive teaching and learning mode. Students will be required to actively participate in group discussions on the commentaries of the selected texts and presentations on Classical Chinese writings with reference to the cultural vista of Chinese civilization. Furthermore, students are also expected to apply the skills taught in self-learning apart from attending lectures Assessment Methods in Alignment with Intended Learning Outcomes Specific assessment methods/tasks % weighting Intended subject learning outcomes to be assessed A1 A2 A3 A4 B1 B2 1. Oral presentation 20% ? ? ? ? ? ? 2. Term paper 30% ? ? ? ? ? ? 3. Examination 50% ? ? ? ? ? Total

100 % *Task

1 may be done in a group basis while task

2 and

3 must be done on an individual basis linguistic characteristics, content and style of elite writings in classical Chinese, and impact of Chinese civilization in the Oral Presentation as they will be required to analyze and critically review writings in classical Chinese with the use of relevant tools books. review of classical Chinese writings centred on a variety of themes related to cultural, historical, philosophical and social developments in Ancient China. their understanding on the linguistic characteristics, content and style of elite writings in classical Chinese, and impact of Chinese civilization in the Examination. Student Study Effort Expected Class contact: ? Lectures
