编辑: 黎文定 2017-05-21

电话:+86-0755-26010001 公司

邮箱:[email protected] 公司地址:深圳市南山区高新南四道半导体设计大厦东座22-24层 需求:希望能与英国主流线上线下渠道商、品牌商,及有实力的区域品牌代理商开展大 屏AIOT智能家居推广战略合作. Shenzhen Chuanwei-RGB Electronics Co., Ltd. was established in

1988 with a total investment of 1.5 billion yuan, a registered capital of

700 million yuan, and more than 22,999 employees. It is an industrial company of Chuang Wei Group which is mainly engaged in R &

D, production and sales of color TV sets. We have successively won famous brand products in China, well-known trademarks in China, national quality exemption products, export-free products, post-doctoral scientific research workstations of enterprises, national enterprise technology center, national industrial design center, and national technological innovation demonstration enterprises. Key Software Enterprises in National Planning and layout, National Local Joint Construction Engineering Laboratory, Torch Plan heavy In 2015, it became the first pilot demonstration of intelligent manufacturing by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. In 2016, it won the first prize for national scientific and technological progress, and won more than

20 scientific and technological awards from provinces and cities, including the first prize for scientific and technological progress in Guangdong Province. As a leading enterprise in China'

s color TV industry, Chuanwei led many times to promote the transformation and upgrading of the industry, occupying the first share of China'

s color TV market for seven years in a row. At the same time, by 2017, Chuanwei'

s annual brand value has reached nearly

100 billion yuan, ranking 14th in China'

s electronic enterprises and fourth in the intelligent household appliances industry. In the face of the new changes in the global economic situation and the new era in which household appliances have entered a new era of digitalization, intelligence and networking, Chuang-Wei has formulated a five-year transformation and upgrade plan, which will take intelligentization, refinement, and internationalization as the three major strategies. To realize the strategic goal of transforming and upgrading Chuanwei into an enterprise with reasonable industrial structure, advanced key product technology, standard corporate governance, more than

100 billion yuan in business scale and global competitiveness in intelligent household appliances and information technology. Participant:Wang Zejun(General Manager of Overseas Marketing Headquarters) Tel: +86/13923419660 Company website: www.skyworth.com Company Tel: +86/755/26010001 Company E-mail:[email protected] Company Address:22 /

24 floor, East Block, High-tech South four Semiconductor Design Building, Nanshan District, Shenzhen City Demand:We hope to cooperate with mainstream online and offline channels, brands and regional brand agents in the UK to promote AIOT smart home. 深圳市博科供应链管理有限公司 Shenzhen BOKA Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. 博科供应链总部位于深圳,注册资金5000万元人民币,是一家专业从事进口报关报检、 出口退税、代垫资金、VMI仓储、理货、物流配送等服务的公司,业务范围涉及电子元器件、 仪器仪表、电子设备、医疗器械、食品等.公司在北京、上海、成都、杭州、广州、重庆、 福州、厦门、长沙、武汉、漳州等地设有分支机构,为客户提供门到门的贴心服务提供了有 力保障. 公司一贯秉承以诚信服务客户为宗旨,所有客户无论大小,我们都愿与其同舟共济,共 同发展,实现共赢.目前国内外超过5000家企业已与我司展开全方位的进出口合作.同时, 公司专业、高效的服务赢得了客户与社会各界的认同与信赖. 公司已拥有一套十分完善的ERP供应链管理系统,对产品通关中所涉及的各项环节进行合 理调配,准确地为客户提供包括国际采购执行、进出口通关、运输管理、仓储、配送、资金 结算、信息管理等一系列的服务.公司管理规范,并已通过ISO9001:2008质量管理体系认证 .公司属海关AA企业,客协企业,已通过海关AEO高级认证.公司被评为广东省民营企业100 强,广东省流通业100强,全国进出口总额500强. 与会人员:韩宏斌(董事/高级副总裁) 联系方式: +86-13713866711 公司网站:www.bokahk.com 公司
