编辑: 我不是阿L | 2017-06-28 |
s experts have the credentials to ensure that manufacturing pro- cesses have the right certification and that firms brand their appliances with the correct mark. Our pledge is to reduce the energy consumption of the products we test. 低能耗带来更多优势 我们必须明白,低能耗的电子电气产品对环境具有深远的影响. 确保其符合相关的能效标准意味着最大限度地降低耗能.获得德 国 蓝色天使 (Blue Angel)、美国 能源之星 (Energy Star)或欧盟 生命之花 (EU Flower)等环保标志的制造商 不仅能够实现目标市场准入,减少排放,并为最终用户提供节能 产品,还将因为其在可持续发展方面的努力而获得市场认可. 德国莱茵 T?V 集团的专家能够提供权威认证,确保制造过程符 合认证标准以及品牌产品上标有正确能耗标志.让通过检测的每 一件产品都降低能源消耗,这是我们对您的承诺. 将产品对人类和环境的不利影响降到最低,我们一起塑造美好未来. We shape the future by making certain that products have the least possible impact on the environment. 绿色产品 GREEN PRODUCTS 更低的环境影响,带来更高的市场份额 SMALL environmental impact, HUGE market pOTENTIAL Green products are products whose production, usage and disposal pose no threat to the environment. Chemical testing and recognised green mark certification guarantee that companies keep their promises and minimise the risk of harm. Putting eco-friendly products to the test Certain chemical compounds that are present in the materials used to fabricate products, or transferred to them during industrial processing, can cause serious harm to end-users and, consequently, to the manufacturer'
s reputation. The aim of T?V Rheinland'
s Green Products solutions is to provide peace of mind by screening for the presence of harmful chemicals at every stage of the production process. Our pledge is to make certain products are truly eco-friendly. 绿色产品是指在生产、使用或弃置过程中对环境不产生任何危害 的商品.通过进行化学测试和获得国际公认的绿色标志可以确保 企业履行环保承诺,更重要的是,降低其产品对人类和环境产生 危害的风险. 环保产品检测 某些产品中存在的特定化合物会对人类和生态系统构成威胁. 这些化合物存在于某些产品的原料中,或在工业生产过程中添加 入产品,这将对终端用户和环境造成极大的危害,同时也会损害 产品生产企业的声誉.德国莱茵 T?V 集团绿色产品解决方案旨在 滤除各个生产阶段的有害化学物质, 大量减少溢入环境的化学废物. 让您的每一件产品都成为真正意义的生态环保产品,这是我们的 承诺. 通过充分利用可再生能源并不断提高资源转化率,我们与您一起塑造美好未来. We shape the future by helping you to maximise the efficiency of renewable energy sources. Harnessing the Wind The concept of employing the wind to generat........