编辑: QQ215851406 2017-09-02

stained and faded. With two (2) large imperial seals, two (2) imperial seals on right join with frontispiece paper, and two (2) imperial seals on left join with Mounting silk 3. Dimensions: W 12.4 cm (4-7/8 in) Mounting description (painting): On both ends, the paper of the painting is joined with narrow same-width strips of identical yellow figured silk mounting (Mounting silks 3C4). After the lefthand strip, a second larger section of the same silk is joined (Mounting silk 5). Mounting silk 3: Narrow strip of yellow figured silk, identical to mounting silks 4C5. With three (3) collector seals, plus one (2) collector seals and one (2) imperial seal on left join with painting paper. Dimensions: W

4 cm (1-5/8 in) Painting description: The unsigned painting covers six sheets of roughly same-size paper. Inscribed over the length of the painting in small standard script, there are

189 place names, plus

13 short texts (indicated below by Roman numerals). Some colophon writers attibute this calligraphy to the painter, Li Gonglin (ca. 1049C1106);

others to his friend, the calligrapher Mi Fu 米芾 (1052C1107). In addition, the painting bears four long inscriptions by Hongli 弘历, the Qianlong 乾隆 emperor (1711C1799;

reigned 1735C1796). Based on inscribed place names, the painting is divided into two roughly equal sections, consisting of three sheets of paper each.2 Freer Gallery of Art Completed:

14 December

2007 F1916.539 Last updated:

06 May

2010 5 Inscriptions: Section 1: Sub-total: W 376.0 cm (148 in) Sub-total:

101 place names,

4 texts Sheet 1: W 124.9 cm (49-3/16 in)

41 place names,

2 texts Sheet 2: W 125.7 cm (49-1/2 in)

45 place names,

1 text Sheet 3: W 125.4 cm (49-3/8 in)

15 place names,

1 text Section 2: Sub-total: W 377.5 cm (148-11/16 in) Sub-total:

88 place names,

9 texts Sheet 4: W 126.2 cm (49-3/4 in)

14 place names,

5 texts Sheet 5: W 125.9 cm (49-1/2 in)

50 place names,

4 texts Sheet 6: W 125.4 cm (49-3/8 in)

24 place names,

0 texts Section

1 (Min River 岷江 from Maozhou 茂州 to Meishan 眉山) Sheet

1 1. 茂州界 2. 汶山 3. [铁]豹岭 4.天[彭]关5. 岷山 I. 《元和志》: 大禹,汶山广[柔]人,生於石纽村.其石绿色,在茂州,故有庙. 6. 江滨庙 7. 大禹庙 8. 石纽 9. 威州界 10. 无忧城 11. 古b 12. 岷江 13. 沱江 II. 永康,乃古鱼凫之国,与蚕丛同时.灵岩山门有鱼凫洞,鱼凫以翁时有见之者. 14. 白沙 15. 紫微山 16. 万象楼 17. 崇M庙 18. 灵岩寺 19. 虎头山 20. 玉女关 21. 大皂山 22. 均水驿 23. 西瞻 24. 水则 25. 卧牛潭 26. 离3堆27. 伏龙观 28. 雪岭 29. 玉垒 30. 禁山 31. 万春 Freer Gallery of Art Completed:

14 December

2007 F1916.539 Last updated:

06 May

2010 6 32. 大面山 33. 导江县 34. 老人村 35. 长生观 36. 花蕊夫人宅 37. 牡丹 38. 青城县 39. 戎都山 40. 延庆宫 41. 清都观 Sheet

2 42. 丈人山 43. 最高峰 44. 青城山 45. 上清宫 III. 唐玉真公主,修真之地. 46. 储福宫 47. 三十六峰 48. 系家山 49. 郫县 50. 味江 51. 温江县 52. 横源 53. 崇庆府界 54. 浣花溪 55. 工部宅 56. 万里桥 57. 青羊观 58. 君宅 59. N以桥 60. 石牛 61. 通以井 62. 天涯石 63. 蚕丛祠 64. 昭觉寺 65. 雪锦楼 66. 外江 67. 大慈寺 68. 盘古祠 69. j台 70. 71. 玉局观 72. 锦官 73. 小东门 74. 正法寺 75. 墨池 76. [散]花楼 77. 石笋 78. 蜀学 79. 张仪楼 80. 先主庙 81. 合[江亭] 82. 芳草渡 83. [江]原县 84. 广都县 85. 双流县 86. 邛州界 Sheet
