编辑: hys520855 | 2017-09-16 |
3 污泥处理各工序分析 3.
1 浓缩 污泥浓缩为重力沉降增稠过程, 污泥经浓 缩池浓缩后可使污泥浓度由0. 3% 提高到15%. 污泥浓度提高, 絮凝剂的利用率将相应提高, 但 若污泥浓度过高, 则会影响污泥的输送. 1995-07-03收到初稿, 1996-01-09收到修改稿. Abstract: T he methods for determining the best point position of association degree function in matter element analysis method used in environmental quality assessment are discussed, pointing out that the determination of the best point position by classic comprehensive judgement is not completely rational. Based on the practice of environmental quality assessment, a suitable method for determining the best point position is put forw ard. Keywords: matter element analysis method, association degree function, best point position. ・
234 ・ 化工环保1997年第17卷 ........