编辑: bingyan8 2017-09-20

131 202,使用您的语言与我们讨论 Centrelink 福利金发放和服务 ? 致电

131 450 联系 Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National),以使用您的语言与 我们讨论 Medicare 和Child Support 福利金发放和服务 ? 前往服务中心. 注:用澳大利亚境内任何地方的住宅电话拨打'


号码都按固定费率收费.该费率可能因本地通话 的费率而异,也可能因电话服务供应商而异.可免费用住宅电话拨打'


号码.使用公共电话和移 动电话拨打可能会计时并按较高的费率收费. 免责声明 本出版物所含的信息仅作为福利金与服务的指南.由您自行负责决定是否要申请福利金以及就自己 的特定处境做出申请. ENGLISH 14518.1903 PAGE

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3 Maintaining your child care payments If you get Child Care Subsidy, you need to take steps during the year to manage your payment. You can do this by making sure your family details are correct and telling us when things change. If your circumstances are accurate and up to date with us, we will pay you the correct amount of subsidy. During the year, things can change. Your family may get a pay rise, you may change the number of days you work, or start a new job. You should check your family income estimate, activity level and other details often. Make sure they are accurate, and up to date. Your family income estimate Your family income estimate plays an important role in getting your payments right. We use it to work out how much Child Care Subsidy you can get. At the end of the year, we will balance your payments. We compare your estimated income with your actual income. We also compare the subsidy we paid with what you were actually eligible for. If you get Child Care Subsidy and Family Tax Benefit, it is twice as important your family income estimate is correct. We pay both of these based on your income estimate so make sure you check it regularly. If you end up earning less than your family income estimate, we may not have paid you enough subsidy. When we balance your payments, we will pay any outstanding amount directly to you. If you end up earning more than what you estimated, we may have paid you too much. If this happens, you will owe us money that you will have to pay back. Is your income close to $186,958 or $351,248? If your family earns more than $186,958 your subsidy is capped at $10,190 for each child per financial year. If your family earns more than $351,248 you will not get any subsidy. If your income estimate is close to one of these amounts, you should check your income estimate carefully. If you do not update your family income estimate when it changes, you may owe us money. You will have to pay this money back. Your activity level The number of hours of subsided child care you can get depends on the hours of recognised activities you do each fortnight. Recognised activities include working or doing other activities that improve your work skills like study or volunteering. You can find a list of recognised activities in English at humanservices.gov.au/ccs If you have a partner, we will look at both of your activity levels. We will use the lower of these to work out how many subsidised hours you can get each fortnight. If your activity level changes, your hours of subsidised care may also change. You should let us know if your or your partner'

s activity levels change. ENGLISH PAGE

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3 Department of Human Services Your withholding percentage We automatically hold 5% of your Child Care Subsidy payments until the end of the year. This is to help reduce the chance of you getting an overpayment. You can increase your withholding up to
