编辑: star薰衣草 | 2017-10-06 |
s signature. In the case of a tenant'
s death, that tenant'
s interest in the Account will be paid to the legal heirs with reference to the Customer Agreement. 每位共有人皆拥有帐户余额之一部分, 由各人签名旁所填之股份百分比而定.若其中一人身亡, 其股份将给予该共有人之合法继承人. For all Joint Accounts, each tenant has authority: 对于所有联名帐户, 其共有人皆有权: a) To trade for the Account subject to the agreements of the Account. 依客户协议书之规定为帐户做交易. b) To receive all correspondence and documents in respect of the Account. 接收所有与帐户有关之通信. c) To receive or withdraw cash and other property. 接收或提出现金或其他资产. d) To execute agreements relating to the account. 执行与帐户有关之协议. e) To deal fully with FXDD. 全权和FXDD处理其它账户相关事宜. A funds redemption form should be signed by all the joint applicants. This form can be downloaded at www.fxdd.com. 所有账户提款表皆须由所有共有人签署.此表格可在www.fxdd.com下载. FXDD has the authority to require joint action by the parties to the Account in matters of the Account. FXDD has possession over the security of the Account individually or jointly. If a death occurs to one or more of the tenants, FXDD shall be notified in writing. All expenses due to the date of notification shall be charged to the Account. If no percentage (%) is indicated, each tenant is presumed to have an equal share, with a total of 100%. FXDD 有权要求所有帐户共有人为与帐户有关之决定做出共同行动. FXDD 拥有个人或共有帐户之担保品.若一名或数名共有人身亡,书面通知必须送达 FXDD.送达日之前所有费用将记于该帐户上. 若未指定百分比, 每位共有人将被视为拥有相等股份比例, 其总合为一百(100%). Page
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5 FXDD Account Application 4/14/2008 7. FINANCIAL INFORMATION 财务资料 Estimated Annual Income: (in USD): 估计年收入(美金): Net Worth (in USD) (estimated total value of all your assets minus your liabilities): 资产净值(美金)(估计总资产减-负债): Liquid Net Worth (in USD) (estimated total value of all your assets, minus your liabilities that are in cash or cash equivalents, or could easily be converted to cash): 流动资产净值(美金)(现金, 现金等价的, 或者能够迅速转换为现金的): FXDD recommends that customers should use only their own available Risk Capital for trading foreign exchange. Risk Capital means funds, which if lost, would not change your lifestyle or your family'
s lifestyle. This information is necessary to assist FXDD in assessing your suitability for trading foreign currencies. Completing the information will not have the effect of limiting you potential losses to the amount indicated. FXDD 建议客户只应交易或授权交易其风险资本, 其定义为一笔即便损失后也不会改变客户或客户家人们的生活方式的资金.FXDD 依据此项资料判断您是否适合 做外汇交易. 填写此类资料和您可能遭受之损失之数额并无关联. ***If your risk capital is greater than 25% of your Net Worth, or your income is less than $25,000.00, in order for you to be considered for an FXDD trading account, you will be required to complete and sign an Additional Risk Disclosure Document (Applies t Primary and Co-Applicant) o ***若您的风险资本大于您资产净值的 25%, 或您的年收入低于$25000, 您必须填写并签署 附加风险告知文件 方可申请交易帐户(适用于所有申请人). 8. PREVIOUS TRADING &