编辑: 捷安特680 | 2017-10-06 |
Access Codes means the trading account number and the password provided by SGFX to the Client for gaining access to the On-Line Services and for placing a Trading Order;
「登录密码」 是指SGFX提供给客户用作登录网上服务及用作发出交易指令的交易帐户编号及密码;
Business Day means a day on which SGFX will be opened for Spot Transactions as SGFX may determine 「营业日」 是指SGFX不时确定开放供进行现货交易的一日;
Business Hours means the period on a Business Day during which SGFX will be opened for Spot Transactions as SGFX may determine 「营业时间」 是指SGFX不时确定於营业日内开放进行现货交易的某个时段;
CFD means Contract of Difference trading between client and SGFX, the price difference of the contract will calculate from time to time and instant settle in client'
s account equity. 「差价合约」 是指SGFX与客户就现货交易而订立之差价合约,合约的价格差别实时计算交收,并於客户帐户内资产 净值显示;
Client means the person(s) whose name(s), address(es) and description(s) is / are set out in the Client Agreement. This term wherever used shall (i) if the Client is / are (an) individual(s) include the Client and his / their respective executors and administrators;
(ii) if the Client is a sole proprietorship / firm includes the sole proprietor and his executors and administrators and his or their successors in the business;
(iii) if the Client is a partnership firm includes the partners who are the partners of the firm at the time when the Margin Trading Account is being maintained and their respective executors and administrators and any other person(s) who shall after that be or have been partner of and in the firm and his or their respective executors and administrators and the successors to such partnership business;
(iv) if the Client is a company includes such company and its successors and assigns 「客户」 是指姓名、位址及资料载于客户协定的人士. 此词在下列情况下之定义如下: (i) 如客人为个人,则包括客户及其/彼等各自之遗嘱执行人及遗产管理人;
(ii) 如客户为独资经营商号,则包括该名独资东主、其遗嘱执行人及遗产管理人,以及其或彼等 之业务继承人;
(iii) 如客户为合夥商号,则包括於保证金交易户口维持期间为商号合夥人之各名合黟人、彼等各 自之遗嘱执行人及遗产管理人、此后为或曾为商号合夥人之人或任何其他人士、其或彼等各 自之遗嘱执行人及遗产管理人,以及该合黟商号之继承人;
(iv) 如客户为一间SGFX,则包括该SGFX、........