编辑: lqwzrs 2017-10-13
005 作者序之一 本书乃是依逃抗嫉

1200 英文字表内容,考量台湾青 少年与有心重拾英语者之学习需求,并遵循英语构词、语法与情境 沟通等因素编写而成,期能於帮助读者达成熟习基本单字初衷之 余,尚能体验正确学习英语与学习正确英语之乐趣!因此,吾人期 许本书能够成为读者英语学习历程中之山岩,奠立坚实长久基础, 而非如轻鸿浮云,逸逝无痕.

本书内容以词性为章节分类依,有实词与虚词两大部分.实 词包括名词、动词、形容词、副词等篇章;

虚词又有限定词、代名 词、介系词、连接词与代词、助动词、感叹词等段落,每一单元约 列五十个单字,每一单元附单题测验,以增进学习成效.全书共计 二十九单元. 本书除名词篇又分可数与不可数两部分外,其余词类均以字母 顺序排序,逐一列举重要用法、实用例句与字根解析.本书不以主 题分类,乃考量如以

1200 单字而言,主题分类著实无益於单 字学习;

况且一字多意、多词类者众,若断然以主题分类,非但 窄化单字原貌,压缩理解空间,徒增记忆困扰,影响读者语言学习 观.吾人期望即使是初阶读者,亦应给予客观且完整的语料内容. 书中字汇之注解原则为常用优先,实用为重.以动词「walk」 为例,其注解首列不及物动词用法,再列及物动词用法,最后列出 名词用法,并逐一编写例句,以供读者阅读与造句参考之用.当然,读者应能藉此倍增词汇数量. 本书为增进读者字汇运用能力,达到生活实用之目标,所列例 句均力求题材广泛、结合时尚、句构多样、措词雅致,句句情意生 2a62int.indd

5 2009/12/14 上午 10:15:34

006 动,译文信达雅兼具,相信如此文采巧思,足以让吾人所关爱的诸 多读者窥见英语之精湛风貌,品尝英语之学习雅趣. 本书编写过程中,承蒙张斌南老师诸多指教,张兴兰老师、李 谋旺挚友不吝为序,沈黛芬、苏郁蓉竭力协助整理稿件,吾人深表 感谢!另外,母校恩师李翠玉博士愿意拨冗编审,大幅提升本书学 习价值,增添本书光采,吾人深感殊荣!倘若众多莘莘学子能因本 书而於英语学习上获益,那将是一美妙因缘!当然,若能因诸位之 指正而使本书更为精进,那将是吾人之福气! 苏秦2a62int.indd

6 2009/12/14 上午 10:15:35

007 作者序之二 To the student This is a basic vocabulary book for students getting ready for the Basic Competence Test in Taiwan. There are

1200 words grouped into categories with a short self check quiz at the end of each unit. Besides the basic list of words, we have also tried to give our readers a head start in the future by including words that are related to the root words provided. For example, in the entry for bank, we have included words such as bank book, riverbank and banker. You do not need to study all the units in order from beginning to end. It is better to choose a unit that interests you and read that first. For example if you want to remember the numbers, read that unit first. Mark the words that especially difficult for you so you can easily refer to that again the next time you read that unit. In this way, you will slowly reduce the number of challenging words and make it easier for yourself to focus on the words that you really need to study. Learning English should be relevant and interesting to you. I recommend reading this book for a short time each day so it will be fresh and you will remember a little each time. There really is no shortcut. It is very difficult and ultimately self-defeating to try to 2a62int.indd
