编辑: 此身滑稽 2017-10-13

giving voice in times of change (eg displacement) ? 社会收益:通过口述历史进行社区建设,代际关系建设,与偏见作斗争,在变迁 时期(比如迁徙)赋予人们发声机会 www.bl.uk

6 Challenges 1挑战1 ? Challenging the risk of a cosy, romantic, un-self-critical history: "a celebratory impulse which views the past as a benign refuge from the unsettling present" (Linda Shopes) ? 风险是可能会陷入一个让人舒适的、浪漫的、不自我批评的历史:"一种庆典式 的冲动,将过去作为令人不安的现在的一个温和的避难所"(琳达.舒普斯) C Need to ask who defines the 'community' and who is the project for? C 需要问由谁来定义这个'社群',这个项目是为谁而做? C Recognising that there is not just one but multiple communities co-existing around: ? Place, identity, culture, interest, cause C 需要认识到围绕着一个地方、身份、文化、兴趣和事业,不仅仅只有单一社 群,而是有多个社群共存 C Disturbing comfortable social relationships within a group;

disrupting the 'best face' of the community C 需要搅动一个群体中表面上令人舒服的社会关系;

扰动社群'最好的面孔' C Ensuring inclusive representation: outsiders, marginalised, tangential C 确保包容地寻找代表社群的人:局外人,被边缘化的人,关系不大的人 C Uncovering 'difficult' suppressed stories (conflict, discord, racism, abuse) C 发现'困难的'被压制的故事(冲突、不和、种族偏见、侵害) www.bl.uk

7 Challenges

2 挑战2 ? The ethics of 'shared authority' (Michael Frisch) ? '共享权力'伦理(迈克尔.弗莱希) C Is it an achievable goal?是一个可以达到的目标吗? C Tension between the community's aims and academic aims C 社群目的和学术目的之间的张力 C Tension between social value and historical research: advocacy v scholarship C 社会价值和历史研究之间的张力:宣传较之于学术 C Process v product 过程较之于产品 ? Avoiding 'one source history' 避免'单一来源的历史' C Recognising the need to use oral history alongside other sources such as documents/photographs C 认识到口述历史需与其他来源比如文字材料/照片等一起使用 C Asserting the wider, 'less parochial', historical context C 主张使用更广的,'不狭隘的',历史上下文 C Encouraging reflection and analysis as well as description C 在鼓励描述的同时鼓励反思和分析 www.bl.uk

8 Challenges 3挑战3 ? Re-use of archived community oral history for purposes not foreseen ? 已存档的社区口述历史其将来的使用目的可能现时无法预见 C Documentation: recording contextual data and interviewee wishes about wider use (beyond the community) C 文档记录:记录下背景数据,以及受访者有关更广泛的访谈数 据使用(超出社区范围)的愿望 C Control: who owns copyright and who exercises this if a project folds? C 控制:谁拥有著作权?如果项目彻底失败,谁可行使这个权力? C Access: what kinds of access and re-use are appropriate? C 访问:什么样的访问和再利用是恰当的? www.bl.uk

9 Questions all community oral history projects need to ask themselves 所有社区口述历史项目需要自问的一些问题 ? Who is the project for?项目是为谁而做的? ? Who is defining 'community'?谁在定义这个'社群'? ? How far is it widely representative/inclusive? ? 这个'社群'是不是很好地被代表了/选取代表的过程是否足够包容? ? What is the broader historical context? ? 有关这个项目较为宽宏的历史背景是什么? ? Are there 'difficult' stories not being heard/told/asked about? ? 是不是存在一些不曾听说、不曾提起、或不曾问起过的'困难'的故事? ? Have project objectives been defined/negotiated? ? 项目目标是否被定义了/商定了? ? Has access and re-use been considered? ? 是否考虑过访问和再利用的问题? ? Are you documenting/recording the collecting process? ? 你有没有在记录这个收集过程本身? www.bl.uk
