编辑: ok2015 2018-02-16

再早期一点的前辈有杜国威,但太少了.」 故此他希望 培训更多剧作家,为他们发掘更多机会.他特别提到现任 院长潘惠森教授较早前凭 《亲爱的,胡雪岩》 获第二届华语 戏剧盛典最佳编剧奖,认为是本地编剧发展的一个里程碑. P_4 Read Dramatic Arts More about King Sir'

s days at the School of Drama 更多关於King Sir 在戏剧学院的点滴 King Sir'

s 80th birthday party. King Sir的80大寿. King Sir had taken students on many exchanges tours. This photo was taken at the School'

s performance tour in the UK in

1992 during which the students were visited by the late Princess Diana. (Photo courtesy of Volume

6 of Dramatic Arts and the 33rd anniversary book of the School of Drama. ) King Sir积极带领学生到外地交流.上图摄於1992年学院於英国的演出,获已故戴安 娜王妃接见.(转载自《戏剧艺术》第六期和参考自戏剧学院33周年特刊.w Delivering a speech as the guest of honour for the 2015/16 Academy graduation ceremony. King Sir於2015/16演艺学院毕 业典礼担任主礼嘉宾,席间致辞勉励一众毕业生. 阅读《戏剧艺术》丛书 with one other. Despite the plentiful opportunities for practice at the Academy, King Sir believes the years of academic study only provide the basics for aspiring actors, since it takes time to apply and master the art of drama. After graduation, they must continue to work hard, think hard and be brave enough to innovate. As the School of Drama continues to nurture drama talent, how close does King Sir think that it is to reaching his founding goals? Of course, that depends on the accomplishments of individual graduates, said King Sir. But what I can say is that for over

30 years, our graduates have been active in different fields, from theatre to film to TV production, with their contributions to society frequently being recognised, which is very pleasing. While he spoke highly of developments in the local drama scene, King Sir would like to see more original plays by local playwrights. In the beginning, the School of Drama focused on developing actors, and then directors. After that, we began to run playwriting courses. For the local drama scene to thrive, these three roles are equally important, King Sir explained. Actors, backstage technicians and directors have great career prospects nowadays, but there are not many local playwrights. We King Sir 现时偶尔返回演艺学院欣赏学生演出,目睹同学们 的成果深感欣慰,深信他们能够担起推动香港戏剧发展的 重任.他勉励戏剧学生要跟他一样活到老、学到老. 「一定 要多读、多做、多看、多思考,毕业后仍然要继续充实自 己,以生活中的不同体会丰盛自己的戏剧专业.」 King Sir'

s recent visit to the School, sharing his experiences with current Drama students. King Sir不时返回学院与学生交流. P_6 P_6 3-4.5.2019 I 晚上8pm 4.5.2019 I 下午3pm Lyric Theatre 歌剧院 $55 - $115 The Academy is pleased to note that in the latest QS World University Rankings announced in February it is ranked 1st in Asia and 13th globally in the category of performing arts with the Academy celebrating its 35th Anniversary this year. The Academy continues to aspire to maintain the highest levels of excellence in its work in performing arts education, nurturing young and emerging talent in the performing arts and importantly, enriching the cultural life of the Hong Kong community. 香港演艺学院在2月公布的最新QS世界大学排名的表演艺术类别,排列亚洲第一位、全球第13位.适逢今年学院成立35周年, 学院对此表示欢迎,并将继续提供专业的表演艺术教育,以及肩负推动文化艺术使命,为培育新一代表演艺术家而努力. The Academy Ranked 13th in QS World University Rankings Tickets are available one month prior to the show at HK Ticketing'
