编辑: 喜太狼911 2018-02-28

s products has been improved and recognized by customers. During the Period, the research and development department of the Group continued their efforts in technology research and obtained ten edible fungi- related patents for the Group. The Group also expanded its product category by establishing a subsidiary, Pingquan County Luhe Biotechnology Co., Ltd.* (平泉县绿河生物科技有 限公司) in Hebei in the Period, which enabled it to engage in the modern cultivation and sales of shiitake mushroom, an edible fungi with huge demand. The Group established, in the form of joint venture, a modern production park in Hebei to realize modern production and enhance the production volume of shiitake mushroom effectively. Shiitake mushroom is one of the edible fungi with highest consumption in the global market. The prospect of such edible fungi is promising. The Group is actively researching and testing self-management and self-marketing, and is planning to export mushroom stick to countries such as Korea and Japan. *? For identification purposes only 仅供识别 CHINA GREENFRESH GROUP CO., LTD. | 中国绿宝集团有限公司

8 业务回顾 (续) 本集团亦拓展现有渠道及销售网络, 大力发展贸易业务,强化食用菌一体 化经营.本集团目前已在香港、江西、新疆及河北设立销售公司,未来 将在华中和西北区域选取合适网点进 行战略布局,推进建设本集团自有新 鲜........
