编辑: xiong447385 2018-06-04

s economics department. He received his bachelors from Cornell University in 1992, and his PhD from Columbia University in 2002. Barr studies the economics of skyscrapers;

his work has appeared in prominent economics journals, such as the Journal of Regional Science, the Journal of Economic History, and Real Estate Economics, as well as the CTBUH Journal. He is also the author of the book, Building the Skyline: The Birth and Growth of Manhattan'

s Skyscrapers. Jingshu Luo was born in Chengdu, China. Currently, she is a PhD graduate student at Rutgers University-Newark, studying Applied Economics. Luo graduated from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in China in

2010 with the bachelors in Economics, with focus on Insurance and Accounting. 杰森. 巴尔,美国新泽西州立罗格斯大学纽瓦克分校经济 学副教授,经济系研究生部主任.1992年巴尔教授获美 国康奈尔大学学士学位,2002年获美国哥伦比亚大学博 士学位.摩天大楼经济学是巴尔教授目前的一个重要研 究方向.他的论文曾发表于很多一流的经济学期刊例如 区域科学,经济史,房地产经济学以及CTBUH期刊.巴 尔教授也是《城市天际线:曼哈顿摩天大楼群的兴起与 发展》一书的作者. 罗静姝来自中国成都.目前她是美国新泽西州立罗格斯 大学纽瓦克分校的博士生,学习方向是应用经济学. 罗 静姝2010年获得西南财经大学经济学学士学位,专业是 保险与会计. Skyscrapers and Skylines: The Case of China 摩天大楼与城市天际线:以中国为例 简介 从1978年起,中国政府开始大刀阔斧地进 行经济改革,伴随着迅速的经济发展和产 业升级, 中国的城市化进程也不断加速. 在新兴的中国城市中,新的城市天际线正 逐步形成.中国摩天大楼的投资和兴建一 直备受关注,但摩天大楼修建背后的动力 却鲜有人探索.不同于世界其它地区很多 并不热衷于摩天大楼的发达或发展中国家 例如诸多欧洲和拉丁美洲国家,中国城 市正狂热的修建高楼,累积摩天大楼的数 量.图一是各大洲摩天大楼数量的统计, 由表一可知,亚洲大陆拥有的摩天大楼数 量(高度不低于100米的建筑)要多于其 他各大洲摩天大楼数量的总和(图1). 图二是世界拥有最多摩天大楼的摩天城市 排行榜.位居排行榜前十的城市有六个都 在东亚地区(www.emporis.com, 2016) (图2). 东亚国家狂热建造摩天大楼的时期,也正 是其经历经济转型和人口转型的时期.在 中国,大量的农业人口迁徙至城市,进入 制造业和服务业,这可能是世界史上最大 规模的内部迁徙(Ren, 2013)1979年, CTBUH Research Project CTBUH研究项目 Sponsored By |赞助商: Volume

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424 Economic and Other Reflections on Height | 高度对经济及其它因素的影响 1: The skyscraper data was collected from several sources: http://www.skyscrapercenter.com/, http://www.skyscraperpage.com, http://www.emporis.com, http://top.gaoloumi.com/motian.php, and http://www. motiancity.com/2012/. Unfortunately, the sources do not provide year of completion for about

10 percent of the buildings, and thus they are omitted from inclusion here. Also, if a building is not reported on one of these websites, it is not included. The authors have no sense of the number of

100 meter or taller buildings that are not recorded. manufacturing and service sectors represents perhaps the largest internal migration within any a country in world history (Ren, 2013). In 1979, 18.6 percent of residents lived in urban areas;
