编辑: 过于眷恋 | 2018-06-26 |
2002 -
2012 and the corresponding changes in the population and Gross Domestic Product are presented in Table 1.2. 选定油产品及煤产品的进口、转口及进口? 用的货值与货?,以及进口单位价格的统计 ?字(表1.
1、2.3 - 2.
1、3.3 及3.4) 是根愀鄱酝饷?统计?字编制而成.进 口?用?字是将进口统计?字减除相应的转 口?字.由於贸?边际?润及其他收费没有 从转口货值中减除,故进口?用货值较实际 ?字为低.此外,在编制进口?用?字时, 并没有考虑货品进口及其后转口之间的时 . Statistics on the value and quantity of imports, re-exports and retained imports as well as the unit values of imports of selected oil products and coal products (Tables 1.3, 2.1, 2.3 - 2.4, 3.1, 3.3 and 3.4) are based on Hong Kong external trade statistics. Retained import statistics are derived by subtracting re-export statistics from the corresponding import statistics. Since trading margins and other charges have not been deducted from the re-export figures, the resulting values of retained imports are understated to that extent. Also, the time lag between importation and subsequent re-exportation has not been taken into account in deriving the retained import statistics. 表2.5和表2.6所?有关油产品的储存容?、油 库储存?及销售等统计?字,是机电工程署 根愀鄹髦饕凸景丛绿峁┑? 制而成.此外,由机电工程处估算的主要本 地生产再生能源统计?字已包括於表1.1内. Based on monthly returns submitted by the leading petroleum companies in Hong Kong, the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) compiles statistics on the storage capacity, tank stock and sales of various types of oil products, as shown in Tables 2.5 and 2.6. Moreover, statistics on major indigenous renewable energy included in Table 1.1 are estimated by EMSD. 电?及煤气的本地使用?、生产、进出口、 最高装机容?、销售收入及一般价目等统计 ?字分别由有关电?及煤气公司提供.此等 统计?字?於表4.1 - 5.3及附?A和B.由机电 工程处估算的主要本地生产再生能源统计? 字则?包括於表4.1 - 4.4内. Statistics on the local consumption, production, imports/exports, maximum installed generating capacity, sales revenue and general tariff in respect of both electricity and gas are supplied by the respective electricity and gas companies. They are presented in Tables 4.1 - 5.3 and Appendices A and B. Statistics on major indigenous renewable energy estimated by EMSD are not included in Tables 4.1 - 4.4. 概要 Highlights 1. 概况 1. Overview 1.1 从整体能源平衡表所?,在2002至2012 ?期间,一次能源需求上升4.7%.同期 间,最终能源需求下跌12.4%.输入用作 发电的煤产品和油产品占一次能源需求 的比?,由2002?的57.5% 上升至2012 ?的68.4%. 在2007至2012?期间,用作 发电的煤产品下跌2.5% , 而有关的油产品 则上升39.2%. [表1.1] 1.1 As shown in the overall energy balance, the primary energy requirements (PER) increased by 4.7% between
2002 and 2012. Over the same period, the final energy requirements (FER) decreased by 12.4%. The input of coal and oil products for electricity generation accounted for about 68.4% of PER in 2012, compared with 57.5% in 2002. Between
2007 and 2012, the input of coal products for electricity generation decreased by 2.5% while that of oil products increased by 39.2%. [Table 1.1] 1.2 在2002至2012?期间,一次能源需求和最 终能源需求的平均按?变动?分别上升 0.5% 和下跌1.3%.同期间,实质本地生 产总值的平均按?增长?是4.5% . 按人口 平均计算,一次能源需求和最终能源需求 平均每?分别下跌0.1%及1.9%,而实质 本地生产总值则平均每?上升3.9%. [表1.2] 1.2 During