编辑: hys520855 2018-07-06
自2013年起,都爹利会馆一直凝聚香港及国际艺术社群,成为艺术爱好者的热门去处及交流 平台.

会馆由三位具前瞻性的香港人士创立,并非博物馆,亦非画廊,而是艺术人士相聚 之地,让大家交换意见,激发更多新意念,亦形成了自我的一套风格. 会馆踏入五周年,以「融」为依归,彰显都爹利会馆不同方面的巧思.由Ilse Crawford设计 的舒适空间,到行政总厨邬进杰师傅的精致美食,互融为一,精彩难忘. 「融」代表了不同元素的无缝配合,相互补全、相辅相成,得出更优秀的结果.无论会馆 环境、食物质素、乃至服务,均是融为一体,谐和无间. 这亦是粤菜艺术的精粹,就如传统阴阳学说,相互依靠、相互制约、相互转化,个中智慧是 美味的根本.从食材选择、菜式设计、烹调过程至上菜卖相,都爹利会馆均以融为本, 呈现最舒心曼妙的美食. 我们邀请你浏览我们的菜单,从丰富的菜式中,点选心头所好,体验都爹利团以世代相传 的传统技艺,加上前胆想像及好奇心,悉心制作的美食,在这里找寻自身的和谐共融. Since 2013, Duddell'

s has grown to become a hub for the Hong Kong and international art communities, where the likes of art collectors, patrons, curators, gallerists and museum directors could come together to engage in meaningful yet interesting cultural dialogues. Duddell'

s is neither white cube space nor institution - but an alternative platform where new ideas can be shared and developed, organically connecting art and people in a new way - accompanied by what is now a signature style. In celebration of Duddell'

s fifth anniversary, we have chosen to highlight the notion of harmony. A simple word, but one that speaks to a layered consideration - applicable to the spatial, celebrated interiors from Ilse Crawford, but also to what is served under the direction of Executive Chef Jacky Wu Chun Kit C the delicious and fleetingly tangible, but utterly memorable. The definition of harmony speaks to a simultaneous and seamless combination - one that occurs when all components come together, symbiotically moving and responding when needed, often without observation by third party. It could be said that a great dining room and the service entailed within, is indeed harmonious. So too the Cantonese culinary discourse - one that for centuries has emphasised yin and yang - forces that complement and form a wholesome entity, that is greater than its parts. It is a unity also influenced from the diligent sourcing and preparation of ingredients intended to nourish and nurture C that when transformed, seamlessly please. We invite you to explore our menu, choosing from myriad sections that showcase both centuries of technique coupled with the forward-thinking and curious nature of our team, to find your own harmony, here in Hong Kong. 升级 Upgrade to: 三十头皇冠吉品鲍鱼 Whole Yoshihama abalone

30 heads 廿二头皇冠吉品鲍鱼 Whole Yoshihama abalone

22 heads 餐酒共 With wine pairing: 中国葡萄美酒 Chinese wine pairing 探索美酒配对 Adventurous wine pairing 招牌美酒配对 Signature wine pairing 都爹利前菜拼盘 Duddell'

s appetiser selection 片皮乳猪配自制时令果酱 Crispy suckling pig, house made jam 醋椒鳕鱼粒 Diced cod, fresh peppercorn, chilli and vinegar 山楂桂花梨 Osmanthus-scented pear, hawthorn Chinese wine: Grace Vineyard, Angelina, Brut Reserve, Shanxi, China,

2009 Adventurous wine: Ruinart, Blanc de Blancs, Champagne, France, NV Signature wine: Krug, Grande Cuvée, Champagne, NV 羊肚菌竹丝鸡炖响螺 Double boiled sea whelk, silky fowl, morel 原只南非鲍鱼扣天白菇 Braised whole South African abalone, shiitake mushroom Chinese wine: Chardonnay, Silver Height, Reserve, Ning Xia, China,
