编辑: hyszqmzc 2018-07-08
T U E S D A Y , M A R C H

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14 双语新闻 BILINGUAL TIMES Thousands of toxic toads netted in Australia 数千只毒蟾蜍澳洲「落网」 T housands of toxic cane toads have been captured in Australia's northeast so they can be converted into fertilizer for farmers, an organizer of the second an- nual round-up said Sunday.

Toad Day Out's Lisa Ahrens said she was hopeful that 10,000 of the loathsome animals ― the equivalent of one tonne of toads ― had been captured and killed in the Queensland initiative. "I'm hoping we did," she told AFP from the northern city of Cairns. The cane toad, which carries a poisonous sac of venom on the back of its head toxic enough to kill snakes and croco- diles, is regarded as a noxious pest in Australia because it wreaks havoc on the environment. Ahrens said Australians had little time for the warty amphibian which is known to kill domesticated pets and had no problems collecting the animals so they could be killed humanely. "They just take over anything. They are quite industrious," she said of the toads. "They are an introduced species and they need to be out." Residents were asked to collect the toads, which come out at night, on Saturday evening and then place them in- plastic bags in their refrigerators. They were then, still alive, assessed as cane toads by organisers on Sunday. The toads were then killed humanely in freezers with their bodies to be used in the most part to create fertilizer for the cane farmers which have battled them for decades. Australia is beset by millions of cane toads after they were introduced to control scarab beetles in the 1930s. (afp) 第 二届年度蟾蜍围补行动的主办人上星期天表示,在澳洲东 北部捕捉到了数千只有毒的「蔗蟾」(即「海蟾蜍」), 而墙坏背膳┓虻姆柿. 在澳洲昆士兰省发起「蟾蜍滚出去」活动的丽莎?艾伦斯表 示,希望该活动捕捉并除掉一万只这种令人厌恶的动物相当 於一公吨的蟾蜍. 她在昆士兰北部的开恩兹告诉法新社说,「希望目标已达 成.」 海蟾蜍脑后的毒囊装有毒液,毒性足以杀死蛇或鳄鱼.窃 澳洲被视为害虫,因为会造成环境大浩劫. 艾伦斯说澳洲人不喜欢这种多疣的两栖类动物,因为蟾蜍常毒 死家里的宠物,所以居民不介意捕捉并以人道的方式除掉. 她还说,「海蟾蜍会侵犯任何生物且从不停懈.鞘潜灰 的外来种,所以必须除掉.」 居民上星期六晚上被要求捕捉在夜间活动的蟾蜍们,把亲 入塑胶袋放进冰箱,主办单位隔天会鉴定这些小生物是否为海蟾 蜍. 之后海蟾蜍被放进冰库仁道扑杀,身体的部分则做成肥料,分 送给与遣肥甑恼崤┟. 澳洲自一九三O年代引进海蟾蜍对付金龟子后,就受到数以百 万计的海蟾蜍所困扰. (法新社翻译:张爱弟) A giant 18.4cm long cane toad which weighed in at more than half a kilo,fivetimestheaverageweightofatoad,ismeasuredashundreds of cane toads are brought in by locals to the second annual Toad Day Out collection event in Cairns, Australia, on March 28, 2010.photo: epa 三月二十八日,在澳洲昆士兰省开恩兹的「蟾蜍滚出去」活动中,当地居民抓来 了数百只海蟾蜍,一只长十八点四公分的大「海蟾蜍」重量超过半公斤,是一般 蟾蜍的五倍重. 照片:欧新社 1. fertilizer /?f?tl,a?z?/ n. 肥料 (fei2 liao4) 例: The crops were grown without using any artificial fertilizers. (谷物生长时未使用任何人工肥料.) 2. noxious /?nk??s/ adj. 有害的 (you3 hai4 de5),有毒的 (you3 du2 de5) 例: Firefighters are investigating reports that a noxious gas has been released in the neighborhood. (消防员们正在调查该社区有害气体外泄的报导.) 3. beset /b??s?t/ v. 困扰 (kun4 rao3) 例: The negotiations have been beset with problems from the outset. (协商从一开始就受到某些问题困扰.) TODAY'S WORDS 今日单字 have little time for 懒得理会、讨厌 If you have little or no time for something, you dislike it. According to the article, most Australians have little time for cane toads. Example: "Personally I have very little time for people who refuse to queue up properly at the train station." 如果你对某事没多少时间或根本没时间,表示你很讨厌它.而根疚,大部分澳洲人不 喜欢「海蟾蜍」. 例如U「我个人很讨厌那些在火车站不好好排的人.」 LANGUAGE POINT 重要片语
