编辑: XR30273052 2018-08-17

安全 页签. 2)点击页签上的 可信站点>

站点 ,输入该IPC设备地址,并添加. 【说明】在添加地址时,请去掉 对该区域中的所有站点要求服务器验证 选项. 图4 图5 ? 如果使用Windows7或Vista操作系统时,请确认UAC服务已经关闭. 1)打开 开始>



工具 ,选择 更改UAC设置 ,点击 启动 按钮.

4 2)将滑块拖在最底端,点击 确定 后重新启动PC即可. 设置完成后,请在IE地址栏中重新输入设备的IP地址,并按提示安装控件,登录IPCCtrl. 图6 图7 4. 图像调节和镜头调整 进入客户端后可以直接浏览图像,界面如图. 【说明】更多客户端说明参见客户端帮助文档. 调整设备方向,调节镜头上旋钮,进行视野调节和对焦,直到IPCCtrl中的浏览画面达到预定要求. 【说明】请先将光圈调到最大,在开始对焦和视野调节.



五、外罩安装说明 将摄像机安装在吊装支架上时,支架转接器可从设备底部拆卸下来并安装在设备上方,如下图. 当摄像机位于室外时,需要装配在防水外罩中,说明如下: 1.旋开卡扣如图,打开护罩上盖. 2.使用螺丝刀拧松固定板螺钉,将固定板向后拉,对准孔位 取下固定板. 【说明】固定板螺钉拧松即可,无需拧下.

3 PG 头. .穿好线缆并拧紧 4.将固定板装配在摄像机底部. 5.将摄像机连同固定板安装在护罩中. 【注意】固定前将摄像机镜头贴紧护罩前玻璃,不要留明显间隙(只需能调焦),以免出现漏光、 光晕现象. 6.用线缆连接 IPC 的各接口和外罩中的接口板,合上外罩上盖并锁紧. 旋开卡扣 螺孔 摄像机俯视图 支架转接件 图8

1 图9 向后拉固定板 对准孔位, 取下固定板 PG头 固定板 摄像机 螺孔 图10 拧松螺丝

2 3

4 5 穿线缆,拧紧PG头6装配固定板

6 本保修卡适用于您购买的本公司系列产品. 1.终身保质,免费保修期一年,如合同中有另行约定则以合同为准. 2.凡保修期内,由于本产品自身引起的故障,请与公司售后服务部联系. 3.保修时我们将使用您的保修卡信息,请认真填写. 4.以下情况,属于有偿保修范围: -人为原因造成的设备故障 -因使用环境不符合本产品要求造成的故障 -因不可抗力造成的产品损坏 -无保修卡 -已过保修期 用户名称: 详细地址: 传真:


邮箱: 邮编: 产品名称: 产品型号: 购买日期: Preface Safety Instruction Thank you for purchasing our product. If there are any questions, or requests, please do not hesitate to contact us. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and validity of this Guide. Any update of this Guide is subject to change without notice. For the latest document, please contact the dealer. Please adopt power supply in the safety voltage range. If the product does not work properly, please contact your dealer or the nearest service center. Never attempt to disassemble or repair the product yourself in any way. Do not drop the camera or subject it to physical shock. When cleaning the lens, please use a rubber dust blower or lens cleaning cloth to remove the dirt. Do not focus the camera lens on strong light such as the sun or incandescent lamp. The strong light can cause overexposure or light leak (not camera malfunction), which may shorten camera lifetime. Do not expose the camera in the environment not defined in the Guide. Keep the camera away from water or any liquid. While shipping the camera, pack it in the factory packing or use materials with equivalent quality. When it is necessary to replace a part, please contact your dealer in advance and replace the part with specified model or part of the same features. We shall not assume any responsibility for problems caused by unauthorized replacement. The camera is not water-proof and cannot work in outdoor environment alone. These instructions are intended to ensure that the user can use the product correctly to avoid danger or property loss. Please read this Guide carefully before using the product, and keep it properly for future reference. If the product cannot work normally or is damaged because the user does not follow the safety instructions, we shall not assume any responsibility. [Note] For more information, please refer to the User Manual for HD IP Camera in the attached CD. Humidity 10%~95% (non-condensing) Altitude Atmospheric Pressure -60m~3000m 86kPa~106kPa Working Voltage DC12V, 1.25A Temperature -20℃~60℃ Operating Environment
