编辑: bingyan8 2018-08-21
Method: 1.

Wipe dry the lamb. Rub in seasoning. Put on a plate and steam in Miele puresteam at 65°C for

90 minutes. 2. Mix herb crust ingredients in a dish. Slice the lamb. Brush some Dijon mustard on each slice. Coat them in herb crust. Fry the lamb in some oil in a pan over medium heat until both sides golden. Serve. Tips: ? Slow cooking meat over low temperature for extended period helps soften its muscle fibre. It's less likely to be overcooked while keeping its pleasing colour. It also tends to pick up seasoning better. ? Optionally, serve the lamb with a dip C simply mix Dijon mustard with honey and lemon juice. ? Miele DGC

6800 XL 48-litre built-in steam combination oven is a 3-in-1 cooking appliance. Choose between True European convection oven, Steam oven, or a combination of both. For this recipe, steam the lamb first and slice it. Brush on mustard and coat them in breadcrumbs. Then turn to "Full Grill" mode and grill the lamb at 220°C until golden. One Miele oven is all you'll ever need. INGREDIENTS SEASONING

500 g French style racks of lamb,

2 tbsp Dijon mustard

2 tsp mixed herbs,

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper 65°C SLOW-COOKED CRISPY HERB- CRUSTED RACK OF LAMB (serves

2 to 3) HERB CRUST

1 cup Japanese breadcrumbs,

2 tsp mixed herbs, salt, pepper 做法: 1. 羊架抹乾,洒上调味料抹匀盛碟上,放Miele蒸炉以65℃蒸90分钟. 2. 面衣拌匀.羊架切片,扫上芥末,蘸上面衣,平底镬放少量食油,中 火煎至两面金黄即可. 烹调小贴士: ? 长时间低温烹调令肉类的纤维更软,生熟更易控制,色泽更粉嫩,肉 类更入味. ? 法式芥末加入蜜糖、柠檬汁拌匀作蘸酱,更具风味. ? Miele DGC

6800 XL

48 公升嵌入式三合一蒸h炉,备有纯h炉、纯蒸 炉或真正蒸h模式.先蒸熟羊架,扫上芥末及面衣,再用Full Grill模式 以220℃烤h至金黄,一炉搞定. 材料 调味料 法式带骨羊架约500克、法式芥末2汤匙 杂锦香草碎2茶匙、盐及黑椒碎适量、初榨榄油2汤匙 65℃低温脆煎香草羊架 (2至3位份) 面衣 日式面包糠1杯、香草碎2茶匙、盐及黑椒碎适量
