编辑: yn灬不离不弃灬 | 2018-10-08 |
2004 年获武汉大学数学与统计学院信息与计算科学专业学士学 位,2006 年获武汉大学经济与管理学院数量经济学专业硕士学位,2012 年获美 国加州大学河滨分校经济学博士学位,同年
6 月加入北大光华.曾获世界计量经 济学会(Econometric Society) ,加州计量经济学会议等学术组织提供的青年学 者研究资助以及 Phi Beta Kappa International Scholarship Award.学术论文 发表在 Journal of Econometrics,Econometric Reviews, Journal of Business Economics and Statistics, StatisticaSinica 等国际一流专业杂志.同时担任以下 学术期刊匿名评审:Econometric Reviews, Empirical Economics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Quantitative Economics, Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics.理论研究领域涵盖非参数/半参数计量经济模型, 模型选择和模型平均,网络数据建模,金融计量,信息计量经济学等;
应用研究包含宏观经济预测,价格 指数建模,网络数据分析,股票市场预测,生产率建模等. 任课教师联系方式:光华新楼
475 室,Email:[email protected] 助教姓名及联系方式:李林芷,Email:[email protected] 辅导、答疑时间:邮件预约
1 Learning Goal
1 Graduates will be thoroughly familiar with the specialized knowledge and theories required for the completion of academic research. 1.1 Objective
1 Graduates will have a deep understanding of basic knowledge and theories in their specialized area. 1.2 Objective
2 Graduates will be familiar with the latest academic findings in their specialized area and will be knowledgeable about related areas. 1.3 Objective
3 Graduates will be familiar with research methodologies in their specialized area, and will be able to apply them effectively.
2 Learning Goal
2 Graduates will be creative scholars, who are able to write and publish high-quality graduation dissertation and research papers. 2.1 Objective
1 Graduates will write and publish high-quality graduation dissertation and research papers 2.2 Objective
2 Graduates will be critical thinkers and innovative problems solvers.
3 Learning Goal
3 Graduates will have a broad vision of globalization and will be able to communicate and cooperate with international scholars 3.1 Objective
1 Graduates will have excellent oral and written communication skills 3.2 Objective
2 Graduates will be able to conduct efficient academic communication in at least one foreign language
4 Learning Goal
4 Graduates will be aware of academic ethics and will have a sense of social responsibility. 4.1 Objective
1 Graduates will have a sense of social responsibility. 4.2 Objective
2 Graduates will be aware of potential ethical issues in their academic career. 4.3 Objective
3 Graduates will demonstrate concern for social issues.
二、课程概述 高级计量经济学专题课是研究生计量经济学的第二门课程.该课程将讲授非线性计量经济学模型,非参数 和半参数计量经济模型,模型选择,模型平均以及信息计量经济学等专题.
三、课程目标 课程通过对各个专题的理论学习,着重培养学生在经济管理中对数据建模的能力,消除学生对于线性模型 的依耐性,让学生具备从数据中挖掘模型的能力.提高学生对于模型参数估计,假设检验以及基于模型估 计的预测能力.同时,课程将结合学期项目,培养学生解决实际问题和展示项目成果,交流互动的能力.