编辑: 戴静菡 | 2019-01-01 |
xdf.cn/ 新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/
2018 年12 月英语四级翻译真题答案解析(手机阅读) 广州新东方国内部 杨梦迪 【真题】 越来越多的中国人现在的确离不开手机了.他们中的许多人,包括老年人,都使用手机应用程序 保持联系并拓宽朋友圈.他们也用手机购物,查找信息.因为手机便于携带.此外,使用手机应用程 序通信比传统电话便宜.然而,这种新趋势导致人们在社交时过度依赖手机,事实上,一些年轻人已 经变得十分上瘾,以至于忽略了与家人和朋友面对面的交流. 【译文】 Today, an increasing number of Chinese indeed can't live without mobile phones. Many of them, the senior citizens included, keep in touch with their friends and expand their friend circles with phones. They also shop and search information by phones due to their portability and low price on communication by phone apps than by traditional phones. However, the new trend also give rise to people's overdependence on phones, actually, some young people has become so addicted that they ignore the face-to-face communication with their family and friends. 【解析】 (1) (越来越多的)中国人现在的确离不开手机了. 解析:考查简单句的翻译.越来越多 an increasing number of;
的确:indeed 基础版:Today, more and more Chinese indeed can't leave mobile phones. 提高版:Today, an increasing number of Chinese indeed can't live without mobile phones. (2)他们中的许多人,包括老年人,都使用手机应用程序[保持联系并拓宽朋友圈]. 解析:考查插入语和一主多谓语翻译方法.可选择"使用"作谓语,将"保持"和"拓展"处理成目 的to do 不定式,或者选择"保持"和"拓展"为谓语,将"使用"处理为" with / by"介词短语;
新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/ 新东方网四六级频道 http://cet4-6.xdf.cn/ 手机应用程序:phone apps;
保持联系:keep in touch with;
拓展朋友圈:expand the circle of friends 基础版:Many of them, including the old people, use phone apps to keep in touch with their friends and make friends. 提高版:Many of them, the senior citizens included, keep in touch with their friends and expand their friend circles with phones. (3)他们也[用手机]购物,查找信息.[因为手机便于携带.此外,使用手机应用程序通信比传统电 话便宜.] 解析:考查学生串联句子逻辑的能力,三句之前有因果关系,可以放在一个英文句子中.考查一主多 谓语的考点.查找信息:search information;
通讯:communication 基础版:They also use phones to shop and search information for they are easy to carry and communication on their apps is cheaper than traditional phones. 提高版:They also shop and search information by phones for their portability and lower price on communication by phone apps than by traditional phones. (4)然而,这种新趋势导致人们在社交时过度依赖手机,事实上,一些年轻人已经变得十分上瘾, 以至于忽略了[与家人和朋友](面对面的)交流. 解析:考查一主多谓语的考点,考查 so…that(太…以至于)句型;
面对面交流:face-to-face communication 基础版:However, the new trend also enables people to depend on phones too much, in fact, some young people has become so addicted that they ignore the face-to-face communication with their family and friends. 提高版:However, the new trend also give rise to people's overdependence on phones , actually, some young people has become so addicted that they ignore the face-to-face communication with their family and friends.