编辑: 飞鸟 | 2019-02-18 |
它们既是一种装饰,也反映人的 生活、文化及历史.在九龙窝打老道的广华医院中庭,有一座东华三院文物馆,馆内共 有42 幅牌匾及
21 副对联,内容和书法丰富多采,是百多年来香港华人社会的写照,也 蕴含东华三院的慈善精神,启迪人心.
1871 年广州爱育堂於东华医院成立时赠予东华「惠周海外」牌匾,是馆藏最早的 文物.牌匾意谓香港虽是中国边陲岛屿,东华医院所提供的慈善服务却惠及海外侨胞.
1911 年广华医院落成启用,广华医院首届主席陈柏朋送赠医院「悯苍黎火热水深唤我国 魂起四百兆同胞痼疾 合中外良医妙药仗君佛手拯二十纪世界沉疴」对联,则表扬东华以 悲天悯人之心,集合中西医药救治病人.1970 年东华三院成立一百年,当届董事局将原 广华医院大堂辟为东华三院文物馆,亦有联云: 「纾疾苦育英才绍述久传三院誉? 溯典型 徵文献藏不负百年心」 ,足见对历史传承的重视和承担.文物馆成立逾
45 年,默默守 护着东华与香港的文化资产. 近年很多访客对东华三院文物馆的牌匾对联产生兴趣:有人从历史入手,探究这些文 物反映的香港及中国社会情况;
更有人 从艺术层面欣赏牌匾对联的书法、雕刻、用色以至印章等.不少人亦建议文物馆出版相 关书册,弘扬中国文化. 东华三院近年积极推动文化资产的保育及传承,我们万分感谢中华书局秉承传承文化 的理念,为东华三院出版《胞与为怀――东华三院文物馆牌匾对联图录》 ,并邀请国学大 师饶宗颐教授为封面题字.广华医院重建在即,为牌匾对联安全计,东华三院将於重建 初期卸下全部牌匾对联,另觅地方妥为保存;
文物馆亦将有数年时间暂停开放予公众参 观.这本图录正好为馆藏的牌匾对联作一次全面的盘点,并与公众分享东华三院珍贵的 文化资产. 东华三院档案及历史文化委员会 二一六年五月 iv 序iv v suggested to the Museum the publication of a relevant book to promote Chinese culture. Over the past decade or so, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals has zealously promoted the conservation and perpetuation of cultural heritage, and we are extremely grateful to Chung Hwa Book Co. (HK) Ltd. for upholding a mission of passing down the cultural heritage through putting in print Catalogue for the Plaques and Couplets of the Tung Wah Museum and inviting renowned sinologist Professor Jao Tsung-I to write the book'
s cover. In the early stages of the imminent redevelopment of Kwong Wah Hospital, all the plaques and couplets will be taken down and stored in a separate location in order to protect the relics, whereas the Museum will be closed for a few years. Against this backdrop, this catalogue serves to make an inventory of the plaques and couplets in the Museum collection and share with the general public Tung Wah'
s invaluable cultural assets. Records and Heritage Committee Tung Wah Group of Hospitals May
2016 Preface Plaques and couplets are indispensible elements in traditional Chinese architecture. While they are a type of installation, they also reflect people'
s livelihood, culture and history. In the courtyard of Kwong Wah Hospital on Waterloo Road in Kowloon stands Tung Wah Museum, which is home to
42 plaques and
21 couplets. The inscription and calligraphy on the pieces are colourful and diversified. Besides depicting the Chinese community in Hong Kong over the past century, the plaques and couplets C with their rich, diversified inscription and calligraphy C embody the benevolent spirit of Tung Wah Group of Hospitals and have provided inspiration to many. The plaque Hui Zhou Hai Wai , presented to Tung Wah Hospital at its founding by Aiyutang in Guangzhou, is the earliest relic in the collection of Tung Wah Museum. According to the inscription, even though Hong Kong was a small island located along the border of China, the charitable services provided by Tung Wah Hospital benefitted overseas Chinese compatriots. In 1911, Kwong Wah Hospital was inaugurated, and its first chairman Chan Pak-pang presented the couplet Min cangli huore shuishen, huan wo guohun, qisibaizhao tongbao guji/He zhongwai liangyi miaoyao, zhangjun foshou, zheng ershiji shijie chen'