编辑: 鱼饵虫 2019-07-01

30 42

55 μA Maximum Pulldown Current IPDS VSENSE = 600mV, VGATE_ = VEE + 2V

70 mA External Gate Drive VGS VGATE - VEE, power mode, gate drive on

9 10

11 V NBY6:63 ???????QTF???? ???????

3 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (AGND = 32V to 60V, VEE = 0V, VDD to DGND = +3.3V, all voltages are referenced to VEE, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at AGND = +48V, DGND = +48V, VDD = (DGND + 3.3V), TA = +25°C. Currents are positive when entering the pin and negative otherwise.) (Note 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS CURRENT LIMIT IVEE =

00 202

212 220 IVEE =

01 192

202 212 IVEE =

10 186

190 200 Current-Limit Clamp Voltage VSU_LIM Maximum VSENSE_ allowed during current limit, VOUT_ = 0V (ICUT = 000) (Note 3) IVEE =

11 170

180 190 mV ICUT =

000 (Class 0/3)

177 186

196 ICUT =110 (Class 1)

47 55

62 ICUT =

111 (Class 2)

86 94

101 ICUT =

001 265

280 295 ICUT =

010 310

327 345 ICUT =

011 355

374 395 ICUT =

100 398

419 440 Overcurrent Threshold After Startup VFLT_LIM Overcurrent VSENSE_ threshold allowed for t ≤ tFAULT after startup;

VOUT_ = 0V, (IVEE = 00) ICUT =101

443 466

488 mV ICUT = 000, ICUT = 110, ICUT =

111 28 Foldback Initial OUT_ Voltage VFLBK_ST VOUT_ - VEE, above which the current-limit trip voltage starts folding back, IVEE =

00 ICUT = 001…101

10 V Foldback Final OUT_ Voltage VFLBK_END IVEE = 00, ICUT = 000, VOUT - VEE above which the current-limit trip voltage reaches VTH_FB

50 V Minimum Foldback Current-Limit Threshold VTH_FB VOUT_ = AGND = 60V, IVEE = 00, ICUT =

000 64 mV SENSE_ Input Bias Current VSENSE_ = VEE -2 +2 μA NBY6:63 ???????QTF???? ???????

4 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) (AGND = 32V to 60V, VEE = 0V, VDD to DGND = +3.3V, all voltages are referenced to VEE, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at AGND = +48V, DGND = +48V, VDD = (DGND + 3.3V), TA = +25°C. Currents are positive when entering the pin and negative otherwise.) (Note 2) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS SUPPLY MONITORS VEE Undervoltage Lockout VEEUVLO AGND - VEE, AGND - VEE increasing 28.5 V VEE Undervoltage Lockout Hysteresis VEEUVLOH Ports shut down if AGND - VEE <


3 V VEE Overvoltage Lockout VEE_OV VEE_OV event bit sets and ports shut down if AGND - VEE >

VEE_OV, AGND increasing 62.5 V VEE Overvoltage Lockout Hysteresis VOVH

1 V VEE Undervoltage VEE_UV VEE_UV event bit is set if AGND - VEE <

VEE_UV, VEE increasing

40 V MAX5952A 3.82 VDD Overvoltage VDD_OV VDD_OV event bit is set if ........
