编辑: 无理的喜欢 | 2019-07-01 |
1921 年,占地面积约
3016 平米,建筑面积约
1900 平米.1929 年-1931 年,末代皇帝 溥仪携皇后婉容、淑妃文绣于此居住.园内建有砖木结构楼房一座,颇具西班牙民居风格,是天津租 界时期庭院式私人宅邸的典型代表. 地址 : 天津市和平区鞍山道
70 号,距酒店
3 公里 营业时间 : 星期二至星期日 9:00 - 17:30, 17:00 停止售票 , 星期一闭馆,法定节假日除外 价格 : 人民币
20 元/人Recommended stop at each sightseeing location from attraction 1-9 below is
2 hours. 下面所列景点中的
1 至9,每个景点建议的游玩时长为
2 小时. If you wish to have the tickets arranged in advance, the price is subject to 15% service charge All ticket prices and operation hour are subject to change without prior notice 如需提前购票,将收取 15% 服务费 ・ 以上所有票价及营业时间,最终以景点的官方信息为准 If you wish to have the tickets arranged in advance, the price is subject to 15% service charge All ticket prices and operation hour are subject to change without prior notice 如需提前购票,将收取 15% 服务费 ・ 以上所有票价及营业时间,最终以景点的官方信息为准 FIVE GREAT AVENUES 五大道 TIANJIN JINGYUAN 津城静园 GUIDED 2-HOUR TOURS 两小时游玩之旅 ④ HAIHE RIVER NIGHT CRUISE 海河夜景游船 Haihe is the largest river in Northern China, one of the seven rivers in China, it is regarded as the '
mother river'
of Tianjin and covers a catchment area of 317,800 square kilometers. People take the night cruise to appreciate its scenic beauty and architecture as well as its historical and cultural atmosphere. ADDRESS: Tianjin Station Pier,
2 kilometers from hotel;
The Ancient Cultural Street Pier,
4 kilometers from hotel;
Dabei Monastery Pier,
6 kilometers from hotel;
Italian Style Street Pier,
4 kilometers from hotel OPENING TIME: 19:30 and 20:30 INSIDER'
S TIP: The cruise lasts around
50 minutes. The get on and off pier must to be the same. Recommended to wear a jacket to take the night cruise PRICE: RMB100 per person 海河是中国华北地区的最大水系,中国七大河流之一,俗称天津的 母亲河 , 汇水面积达到 317,800 平方千米.乘坐海河游船,欣赏海河两岸夜景风光及建筑, 感受天津历史和文化的氛围. 地址 : 天津站码头,距酒店
2 公里.古文化街码头,距酒店4公里.大悲院码头, 距酒店6公里.意式风情街码头,距酒店4公里. 营业时间 : 19:30 、 20:30 温馨提示 : 游船时间大约
50 分钟;
晚上乘船, 建议您穿上外衣 价格 : 人民币
100 元/人⑤YISHANG TEA MARKET 一商茶叶交流中心 The second floor of Yishang Tea Market provides a very elegant environment, it presents and sells a full range of tea products, including hundreds of teas, teapots, tea clothes, tea pets etc. It is just like a tea museum. ADDRESS: No.
23 Jintang Street, Tianjin, 2.4 kilometers from hotel OPENING TIME: Operating Hours Daily 9:30-17:00 一商茶叶交流中心二楼茶室环境优雅,展示和出售和传 统中国茶相关的所有商品,包括上百种的茶叶、茶具、 茶服、茶宠等等,就像一个茶的博物馆. 地址 : 天津市津塘路标
23 号,距酒店 2.4 公里 营业时间 : 每日开放时间 9:30 - 17:00 ⑥ ANCIENT CULTURE STREET 古文化街 Ancient Culture Street was built in
1986 and open to tourists in the same year, covering 22,000 square meters and stretching along