编辑: Mckel0ve 2019-07-02
魏峰 副教授 职务:硕士生导师 院系: 工商管理系

邮箱: fwei@tongji.

edu.cn 办公

电话: 012-65981559 教育经历 l

2001 年―2004 年 管理学博士 复旦大学 l

1998 年―2001 年 教育学硕士 陕西师范大学 l

1994 年―1998 年 管理学学士 河南师范大学 研究与教学领域 l 领导力、组织行为、创业创新 工作经历 教学经历 l 2011― 同济大学经济与管理学院,副教授 l 2008―2011 上海大学管理学院,副教授 l 2006―2008 中欧国际工商学院,研究员 l 2004―2006 长江商学院,副研究员 海外经历 l 2007/5―2007/5 美国创新领导力研究中心(CCL) 经验学习(Lesson of Experience) 项目 l 2011/12-2013/2 美国弗吉尼亚大学达顿商学院进行访学,危机领导项目 科学研究 研究项目 l 国家自然科学基金青年项目《基于突变理论的管理者欺凌与下属退缩行为的动态关系研究》 , 2010-2012 l 教育部人文社科基金青年项目 《管理欺凌行为的心理形成机制和预防策略研究》 ,2010-2012 l 上海市教委科研创新(重点)项目《诚信领导行为的结构、 影响因素和形成机制研究》 , 2011-2012 l 上海市浦江人才计划项目《领导者诚信:一项跨层次研究》 ,2014-2017 部分出版物 l Li, Y., Wei, F. *, Ren, S., Di, Y. 2015. Locus of control, psychological empowerment and intrinsic motivation relation to performance. Journal of Managerial Psychology.

30 (4). l Hu, X., Kaplan, S., Wei, F*. & Vega, R. Do employees really know how their supervisors view them?: A study examining metaperceptions of job performance. Human Performance. 27(5): 435-457. l Hu, X., Kaplan, S., Wei, F.*, Vega, R. Employees' Metaperceptions of Supervisor Ratings on Job Performance. Psychologist-Manager Journal, 2014, 17(1), 30-48. l Zhang, Y., LePine, J. A., Buckman, B. R., & Wei, F. It's not fair, or is it? The role of justice and leadership in explaining work stressors-job performance relationships. Academy of Management Journal. 2014,57:675-697. l Wei, F., & Si, S. Psychological Contract Breach, Negative Reciprocity and Abusive Supervision: the Mediated Effect of Organizational Identification. Management and Organization Review. 2013, 9: 541C561. l Gilmore, P. L., Hu, X., Wei, F.*, Tetrick, L. E. and Zaccaro, S. J. Positive affectivity neutralizes transformational leadership's influence on creative performance and organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Organizational Behavior. 2013.

34 (8): 1061-1075. l Wei, F., & Si, S. Tit for Tat? Abusive Supervision and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: the Moderating Effects of Locus of Control and Perceived Mobility. Asia Pacific Journal of Management. 2013,1: 281-296. l Ren, S., Wang, L., Yang, W., & Wei, F. The effect of external network competence and intrafirm networks on a firm's innovation performance: The moderating influence of relational governance. Innovation: Management, Policy & Practice. 2013, 15(1), 17-34. l Si, S., & Wei, F.* Transformational and Transactional Leaderships, Empowerment Climate, and Innovation Performance: A Multi-level Analysis in the Chinese context. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. 2012, 21(2): 299-320. l Lee, J., & Wei, F. The mediating effect of psychological empowerment on the relationship between participative goal setting and team outcomes--a study in China. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 2011, 22(2): 279-295. l Wei, F., Yuan, X., & Di, Y. Effects of transactional leadership, psychological empowerment and empowerment climate on creative performance of subordinates: A cross-level study. Frontiers of Business Research in China. 2010, 4(1), 29-46. l Lee, J., & Wei, F. Uncover the black-box of leadership effectiveness: leader-member exchange as the mediator. Frontiers of Business Research in China. 2008. 2: 240-255. l Si, S., Wei, F., & Li, Y. Effects of Psychological Contract Violation on Manager's Exit, Voice, Loyalty and Neglect in Transactional Economy: In the Chinese Context. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 2008.5: 932-944. l 魏峰、李D、卢长宝、毛雁冰.冤冤相报何时了?心理契约破裂、管理欺凌和反生产行为关系 的实证研究. 管理科学学报. 2015, 3. l 李D、魏峰. 高绩效人力资源实践有助于组织认同?一个被中介的调节作用模型,管理世界. 2011, 2: 109-117. 《人大复印资料-企业管理研究》2011 年第
