编辑: 此身滑稽 | 2019-07-04 |
31 March 2014, turnover of the Group was reported as HK$618.3 million (2013: HK$547.9 million), representing an increase of 12.8% when compared with last financial year. Gross profit increased by 27.8% to HK$87.8 million (2013: HK$68.7 million). ? The earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) were HK$17.6 million (2013: HK$23.0 million), representing a decrease of HK$5.4 million when compared to the last corresponding period. After the exclusion of net gain from disposal and the provision for impairment of property, plant and equipment of HK$10.8 million in last year, the operating profit (EBITDA) for this year increased by HK$5.4 million. ? The operating profit (EBIT) of the Group was HK$9.0 million (2013: HK$16.7 million), representing a decrease of HK$7.7 million when compared to the last corresponding period. After the exclusion of the net gain from disposal and provision of impairment of property, plant and equipment of HK$10.8 million in last year, the operating profit (EBIT) for this year has actually increased by HK$3.1 million. ? The net profit of the Group was HK$8.3 million (2013: loss HK$170.7 million), representing an increase of HK$179.0 million when compared to the last year. The Board of Directors does not recommend any payment of a final dividend. During the year, the Group did not declare any interim dividend. 本人谨代表董事会向各股东提呈台和商事控股有限公司 (本公司) 及其附属公司 (统称为本集团) 截至二零一四年 三月三十一日止年度全年业绩. 本人藉此感谢各员工对本集团之贡献,使本集团平稳渡 过严峻的一年. 业绩及财务回顾 截至二零一四年三月三十一日止年度,集团营业额录得 六亿一千八百三十万港元 (二零一三年:五亿四千七百 九十万港元) ,比去年财政年度增加百分之十二点八. 本年度毛利录得八千七百八十万港元 (二零一三年: 六千八百七十万港元) ,比去年财政年度增加百分之 二十七点八. ? 集团除利息、税项、折旧及摊销前经营溢利为 一千七百六十万港元 (二零一三年:二千三百万 港元) ,比去年度减少五百四十万港元.扣除 去年物业、机器及设备的出售收益及减值拨备 的收益净额一千零八十万港元后,本年度集团 除利息、税项、折旧及摊销前经营溢利增加了 五百四十万港元. ? 集团经营溢利 (除利息及税前溢利) 为九百万港 元 (二零一三年:一千六百七十万港元) ,比 去年度减少七百七十万港元.扣除去年物业、 机器及设备的出售收益及减值拨备的收益净额 一千零八十万港元后,本年度集团经营溢利 (除 利息、税项、折旧及摊销前经营溢利) 实际比去 年增加了三百一十万港元. ? 集团溢利为八百三十万港元 (二零一三年:亏损 一亿七千零七十万港) ,比去年度增加一亿七千 九百港元. 董事局不建议派发末期股息.集团於本年度未有派发中 期股息. 总裁报告 President'
s Statement 台和商事控股有限公司Daiwa Associate Holdings Limited
3 At
31 March 2014, the Group'
s current assets amounted to HK$279.4 million (2013: HK$272.7 million) and the shareholders'
equity were HK$228.2 million (2013: HK$212.9 million). The current liabilities were HK$210.4 million (2013: HK$225.1 million). The inventory level increased to HK$115.5 million (2013: HK$98.0 million). Average stock turnover was around
79 days based on closing stock at
31 March
2014 (2013:
75 days). The trade receivables (excluding notes receivable) increased by HK$1.6 million to HK$89.4 million (2013: HK$87.8 million). Because of the low utilization of banking facilities, the year end cash and bank balances were HK$55.5 million (2013: HK$60.2 million). Total available banking facilities of the Group were approximately HK$155.7 million (2013: HK$190.1 million), of which HK$42.7 million was available for use (2013: HK$75.1 million). There were no finance lease obligations outstanding as at