编辑: jingluoshutong | 2019-07-05 |
但伴随国际经济复 苏的不确定性增多和国内经济增速下滑,为 「稳增长」 ,央行多次下调存款准备金率和存贷款利率,货币政策已由稳健转向适 度宽松.受益於此,二季度楼市回暖迹象明显,但中央 「有保有压」 的房地产调控基调没有改变,限购限贷等核心政策仍是不 可触碰的底线.在调控政策影响下,高端住宅、商用物业的稀缺性和投资价值得以进一步凸显.本公司依托已建立起的物业开 发、物业租赁及酒店经营为核心的业务组合,上半年三大板块经营业绩均有优异表现. 物业开发方面,本公司持续强化运营管理并加快施工进度,同时成功实现项目逆市热销.3月,位於上海北外滩的航运中心项 目的14号楼顺利签约.4月,北京广渠金茂府项目三期盛装开盘,凭借其稀缺的黄金地段、高端的优质产品、有力的品牌保 证,继续延续行业低谷中的销售奇迹,在不到一小时时间内推出房源全部售罄.青岛蓝海新港城项目引入高端优质教育配套青 岛新世纪学校,并於6月举行样板示区开放仪式,其高端品质和强势品牌获得岛城广泛关注. 物业租赁方面,受益於实体经济的稳健增长和京沪核心商务区供给的严重稀缺,两地高端写字楼市场上半年继续保持供不应求 的格局.本公司持有经营的物业均位於京沪两城市的黄金地段,租金水平得到大幅提升,市场表现优异,市值也有大幅提升. 目前位於北京的凯晨世贸中心、中化大厦两栋写字楼在期内均达到或接近满租;
上海金茂大厦写字楼在周边供应大幅增加的情 况下,仍能够保持很高的出租率水平,价格在区域内处於领先地位.
3 Dear Shareholders, On behalf of the board of directors (the Board ) of Franshion Properties (China) Limited ( Franshion Properties or the Company ), I am pleased to present the interim report of the Company and its subsidiaries (the Group , we or us ) for the six months ended
30 June
2012 ( the period under review or the first half of the year ) for your review. During the period under review, profit attributable to owners of the parent amounted to HK$1,603.4 million, representing a decrease of 2% as compared with HK$1,640.4 million in the corresponding period of 2011, of which, net profit after tax arising from fair value change of investment properties of the Group amounted to approximately HK$1,010.9 million. The Board does not recommend payment of interim dividend. Decrease in the interim results for
2012 as compared with the same period of last year was mainly due to the fact that most of the properties sold by the Group were scheduled to be delivered and settled in the second half of the year, resulting in a decrease in profit from the properties sold which had been delivered and settled during the six months ended
30 June
2012 as compared with the same period of last year. As at
20 August 2012, the accumulated contract amount of the properties sold but not yet delivered and settled by the Group amounted to HK$13.1 billion. In the first half of 2012, the central government continued to implement austerity measures which were targeted at the residential market and promulgated since
2011 to drive rigid demand and curb speculations. However, given the increasin........