编辑: 夸张的诗人 2019-07-05

130 印度尼西亚炒饭配鸡腿,沙爹串和煎蛋 Nasi goreng Indonesian fried rice with chicken drumstick, satay and fried egg 以上价格另收 15%的服务费 Prices are in RMB, subject to

15 % service charge 铁板烩牛仔骨

185 配韩式泡菜,清汤和米饭 Braised beef short ribs Served on sizzling plate with kimchi, clear soup and steamed rice 川味鱼片配米饭

175 Mandarin fish fillet Sichuan style Served with white rice 中式烧烤盘

130 叉烧,烤鸡和烧肉配亚洲蔬菜和米饭 Chinese barbecue platter Char siu, chicken and pork belly with Asian vegetables and steamed rice 海南鸡饭

140 谷饲鸡垫中式绿叶菜,生姜泥,甜酱油和辣椒酱配鸡汤和米饭 Hainan chicken rice Corn fed chicken on Chinese greens, ginger, soy and chili dip sauce, served with broth and rice 脆炸猪肋排配洋葱,蘑菇和炒饭

140 Crispy fried pork ribs with onions, mushrooms and fried rice 印式香辣牛肉

140 配米饭,泡菜,酸辣酱和脆饼 Indian beef vindaloo curry Served with white rice, pickles, chutneys and papadum 甜品 DESSERTS 苹果派配香草沙司和核桃提子冰淇淋

60 Apple pie with vanilla sauce and walnut raisin ice cream 提拉米苏

60 牛乳酪和摩卡蛋糕配奇异果酱 Tiramisu Mascarpone cheese and mocha cake with exotic fruit coulis 草莓柠檬慕斯配杏子ㄠ托幼咏

60 Strawberry and lemon mousse with apricot jelly and apricot sauce 奶油芝士蛋糕配树梅和香草冰激淋

60 Cream cheese cake with raspberries and vanilla ice cream 以上价格另收 15%的服务费 Prices are in RMB, subject to

15 % service charge 精选冰淇淋(双球)

60 您可选择香草,巧克力,草莓或核桃提子 Selection of premium ice cream (two scoops) Your choice of vanilla, chocolate, strawberry or walnut raisin 时令水果拼盆

60 Freshly cut assorted fruit platter 精选国际奶酪配水果干和坚果

125 Selection of international cheese with dried fruits and nuts
