编辑: AA003 2019-07-05

3 uiauces au a paint sbakn&

~ on r~cion of cbm concents. cha disclomire .af any gel bodies oc dis- ~rrcd pi@rnt indicacas muarisfacco~ settling properties. Obsert.efor C~~Cc VIC!I3.6.1.1. Yh ,pp.racua of Cbls Cyp., of 13S0 shabes per nin.ce. Irvlngcoa. N.J. pcmered b? l/L-hp cucor, operates ac a rmce and ;

S manufactured by Red Oevtl TOO1O. u Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com . . .. XL-L46M9Wf5) 4.4.36 scuea~'

a Substim. :5 Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com SIZL-2.46U9A(M2) 4.4.20 C@uinq amhoraea. PM*L prepared u Ss b.b.2 *hall bo qlr- drsod for 48, -rs -d ctmn c-ted la accordsnca elcb Sfuhod 630A of S23. 12SI ~ W. m.

141 fax mlisaa uich 3.6.7. 4.4.22 ksistance to best. Psne.ls prmpacedas b 6.6.1, sha2J ba beacad in q drcu.hciIIs mm ac 176° L 20C (35@ ~ bOF) for 2b hmrd and exadxiad for v21axIu with 3.6.9. b.b.23 PoMsh %i$taace. Test asuaratus. Tha q7paradsha23 consist of an deccriu.uy OPU=Cd scrai!ahc UIXG. rm%PrOUctiS washability and abrasion ~cbim vitb as abrasien b.aac qctacbmnc........
